The South Beach Diet has swept the country in the last four to five years as part of Americas continuing attempt to lose weight. However, not every dieter is finding success on this diet. Find out about what these dieters are doing wrongly, and how you can achieve great results on this diet. Dr. Agitation, a leading cardiologist, created the South Beach Diet. His aim was to get better his patients heart health, but he exposed that as a side influence his patients were losing a lot of weight.
The South Beach Diet approaches eating in an entirely different way. He claims that it is not a low-crab or a low-fat diet, but a diet that focuses on consumption the right crabs and the right fats. The South Beach Diet is based on the GI index. The diet restricts crabs in the first two weeks and then gradually re-introduces those crabs with a low glycerin index. The focus of this diet is teaching you to find the right carbohydrates and fats .He also recommends trading dre nched fats with unsaturated fats.
With the South Beach diet, you will learn to eat good carbohydrates and good fats in the right proportions. The South Beach Diet usually follows the same idea as other glycolic index diets. First a little environment; when we have eaten, the crabs are then broken down into sugar, thus raise the sugar in our blood. After the initial two-week period, weight loss may slow some. In answer to the superior glucose level, the hormone insulin is released from the pancreas to take away the sugar as of the blood.
If we consume foods that are wealthy in crabs, we get a rapid add to in blood sugar, and then our pancreas releases a large quantity of insulin to counter it. When you are on the South Beach Diet, you will be eating three portioned meals per day, and two snacks. This in turn causes the blood sugar to fall quickly and you sense a lack of power, and then you crave more crabs and the thick cycle continues. If it keeps u p then you are likely to increase weight as a result .Similar to the popular Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet works in stages. In accumulation, your body becomes unwilling to the action of insulin. Once your body reaches this position then your body becomes more successful in storing the fat.
The meal plans on the program are very flexible so you can incorporate it into your lifestyle. So in stage one of this diet, most of the crabs are limited, this gives you body a rest from the sequence. This is theoretical to decide the insulin confrontation. The banned foods would be bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, fruit, milk, sweets, sugar and alcohol .The focus of this diet is teaching you to find the right carbohydrates and fats.. The focal point on the phase one fraction is to eat slant meat, chicken, fish and eggs. In this phase it is said that you can drop up to 14 pounds.
In the phase two fraction of the diet low GI crabs are gradually reintroduced. This would be most fruits, whole grain bread, cereals, pasta and skim milk. The South Beach Diet is safe but also very effective in eliminating excess fat from your body. You are theoretical to stay in this stage until you arrive at your aim weight. In phase three, you can reintroduce a wide diversity of foods. In this phase you are theoretical to keep your weight steady. Like many diets, the South Beach Diet is much less of a diet and more like a lifestyle change. This phase is intended to be life long. In all of the phases there is no boundary for portions, just eat enough to satisfy your wants. Actually snacking is advised, as extended as you snack on the suitable food in your phase.
The pay off is an 8 to 13 pound weight loss in the first two weeks on the South Beach Diet program .The extreme crab restriction in the first phase requires some grave will power. You may feel feeble. Also you wont be receiving your daily obligation of fruits and veggies so you may b e omitted out on vitamins and minerals. The South Beach Diet is safe but also very effective in eliminating excess fat from your body. Also when you limit all the crabs in this phase you are receiving rid of a lot of good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. However nutrition experts are usually in favor of diets based on the glycolic index. Overall this diet generally follows the basic opinion of healthy eating. The consequence should give abundance of the nutrients one would need to stay fit. The meal plans on the program are very flexible so you can incorporate it into your lifestyle.
What You Must Follow With The South Beach Diet
Diabetes Diet Plan - Control Your Diabetes
Diabetes is a serious medical condition in which the body is unable to breakdown food into glucose (blood sugar). Insulin assists in the breakdown process but diabetics have a difficult time producing or responding to insulin and thus require insulin treatment.
To control and reverse your diabetes you need to plan, measure and act. By plan I mean plan a diabetic diet control what you eat, measure your food intake and act through exercise. Sounds simple does it not, create a diabetic diet plan, exercise and manage your weight.
As we all know, any effective diabetes diet plan has to include eating small, low glycemic foods several times per day to both control blood sugar and eliminate rapid blood sugar changes throughout the day. To do this, I have previously tried the SouthBeach and Atkins diets. However, both left me feeling deprived, irritable, jittery, and also left me with significant mental fog.
Help control your diabetes by producing a diet plan it does not have to be full of foods you don't like, foods that are boring and dull there are thousands of foods out their, recipes for diabetics that will suite you. You just need to read the information, buy the guides the eBooks and then you can eat well and remain healthy.
A diabetic diet plan is one of the best proven ways to combat diabetes; this can help to improve your blood sugar control, reduce and eliminate your need for insulin shots.
The diabetic food plan takes recommended foods for diabetics and creates a plan to suite both your tastes and your needs, by creating the diabetic diet plan you can improve your health and help fight diabetes.
A balanced diet consists of carbohydrates, fat and protein and required total calorie is 1200. In a 1200-calorie diabetes diet plan, 600 calories comes from carbohydrates and that means 1 gram of carbohydrate equals 4 calories. Now you can exchange the percentage of carbohydrate i n your food with either meat or fat group. This is all right until the total calories remain 1200.
Being a diabetic your diet is very important. It varies slightly depending in regards to the type of diabetes, body weight and style, personal needs, other diseases, age, sex and the physical activity of the said person. One must try to obtain and maintain an ideal body weight to help keep their diabetes in check.
One of the most important factors in the effective management of diabetes is diet control. A diabetic diet must achieve the right balance between nutrients and calorie count. On the one hand, it must be rich enough to provide all the vital nutrients in the right proportions. On the other, a diabetic diet must exercise strict calorie control so that the diabetic patient is at no risk of putting on extra weight.
The whole point of following a diabetic diet is to ensure that the insulin levels in the body and sugar levels are kept constan t. This is often misunderstood by diabetics that they can no longer enjoy all the types of food. The fact is that you just need to follow the doctor's advice and watch your diet closely but by no means restrict yourself from eating what you enjoy.
Fast And Easy Weight Loss Using Diet Programs And Diet Pills
If you're one of the approximately 67% of Americans that are wired into the internet, there's a good chance that sometime in the last 24 hours you've received at least one spam email promoting the latest and greatest diet pill or weight loss program. These diet products promise fast weight loss results, often without any effort or exercise. The never-ending promise of a weight loss pill that actually works keeps us hoping for eventual success.
At the same time, we're continually inundated with news of the most recent diet and how this time it's really going to work for us. The South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet, the Atkins Diet, the Low Carb Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Mediterranean Diet, the LA Weight Loss Diet, the Weight Watchers Diet, the Diabetic Diet, the Low Cholesterol Diet, the Prescription Pill Diet, the 3 Day Diet, the Low Fat Diet, the High Protein Diet, the Maker Diet, the Liquid Diet, the Grapefruit Diet, the Fad Diet, the Blood Type Diet, the GI Die t, the Vegetarian Diet, the Vegan Diet, the Detox Diet, the Dash Diet, the Candida Diet, the Gluten Free Diet, the Hollywood Diet, the Negative Calorie Diet, the 1200 Calorie Diet, the Raw Food Diet, the Phentermine Diet, the High Fiber Diet, the Macrobiotic Diet, the Science Diet, the Lemonade Diet, the Scarsdale Diet, the Diverticulitis Diet and the Fat Flush Diet are all examples of diet plans that promise to help us achieve quick weight loss.
Crash diets, weight loss pills and get-thin-quick gimmicks are more prevalent than ever, yet two-thirds of our population is still overweight. Even more startling is the fact that approximately one-third of the people in our country are clinically obese.
With all of these 'solutions' available to us, why is it that obesity trends have been alarming enough to prompt the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) to label obesity a national epidemic? Why are we still, as a nation, getting fatter? It's certainly not because we'r e not trying.
On the contrary, as a nation we're trying harder than ever to lose fat through diet and other weight loss products. As reported by CNN on 1-14-05 "Americans were expected to spend more than $40 billion in 2004 on weight control pills, gym memberships, diet plans and related foods, estimates Marketdata Enterprises, which studies the weight loss industry." Furthermore, statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that 80 percent of overweight individuals and almost 87 percent of obese individuals are trying to lose or maintain their weight.
As reported by, 80 percent of Americans made a New Year's resolution in 2005. A whopping 26 percent of those resolutions were to improve overall health and fitness, making this the top category for self-improvement. This year was no anomaly, either, according to Amy O'Connor, deputy editor of Prevention magazine: "Fifty-nine million people every year resolve to lose we ight."
So, is there a healthy diet product out there that will actually work? More than likely, the answer is yes. Although there is quite a bit of fraudulent weight loss merchandise on the market today, there is also (somewhere out there) a diet program and weight loss plan that will work for us. The challenge is to find that diet product or diet plan.
-> Repeat Business:
The diet and weight loss industry is a huge money making machine. According to Marketdata Enterprises, the annual revenue for the diet industry was over $30 billion dollars in 1990. A 2005 report by Stanford University documents that the consumer diet industry is now approximately $44 billion and growing. With all this money flowing around, haven't we as a country spent enough to fix the obesity problem once and for all?
How can the diet industry keep making more and more money, year after year? After all, $44 billion dollars is a lot of cash! The answer to that question is simp le: repeat business. "98% of today's dieters gain the weight back in 5 years. 90% of those individuals end up gaining back more than they lost originally, due to the body's panic and efforts to stabilize metabolic rates over the long term" (Source: Stanford University;
How do the diet-promoters get all that repeat business? The diet industry is a very unique enterprise in that, when it fails someone, they rarely blame the product. We are hard-pressed to find another business where, if the product doesn't work, we blame ourselves. All too often, after giving up on yet another diet program, we find ourselves thinking "Well, I guess I'm just not a good enough dieter." The tendency is for us to believe that we failed the diet rather than the other way around.
Apply this same logic to the automotive industry, and it soon becomes clear just how faulty this line of reasoning really is. What would happen if we take our car in to the mechanic for repairs and when we returned to pick it up he told us that although we still had to pay the bill, he was unable to fix the problem? Would we willing pay the bill anyway and just say "Oh well, I guess it's just a bad car?" Of course not! That would be ridiculous! But that's exactly what we do when it comes to diets.
-> One Size Does Not Fit All:
What we need to realize is that there is probably a weight loss product or weight loss plan out there that will work for us, but it may not be the same one our friends or co-workers used. To find the best weight loss program for us, we absolutely must realize that one size does not fit all. What worked for our sibling or spouse may not work for us, and what works for us may not work for them.
It's probably safe to say that any diet supplement has helped somebody, but it's also true that no weight loss drug or plan has helped everybody. Each person has a unique metabolism and very individual nutritional needs, so no single plan will work for everyone.
-> How To Find The Right Weight Loss Diet:
Some fat burner products on the market today do indeed work. Others are a complete rip-off. How do you tell the difference? Where do you go for accurate and reliable weight loss information?
First and foremost, talk with your doctor. Your own personal physician is likely to be honest with you and provide you with the facts. In addition, he or she can help you decide which weight loss supplement may be right for your personal situation.
There are also quite a few reputable organizations that provide accurate information on fat loss. Some of the better resources include: * American Cancer Society - * Centers For Disease Control - * Diet Scam Watch - * Calories Per Hour - * Harvard Medical School - * Mayo Clinic - * Shape Up America - * Calorie Control Co uncil - * President's Council On Physical Fitness -
When seeking a healthy weight loss plan, it's important that no food be strictly forbidden. There should not be any (or many) foods that we avoid completely 100% of the time. Why? Because that sets us up for failure! For example, if fudge is one of our favorites and we force ourselves to NOT eat fudge at the holiday party, then for many of us what we've done is set ourselves up for a binge fudge-festival.
Avoiding our favorite foods entirely is a too much self-deprivation for most people, and this sets us up for binge-eating. That's a recipe for disaster!
A much better approach is to enjoy foods in moderation. Watch those serving sizes! Enjoy and savor one piece of fudge! It's better to enjoy one piece of fudge and then stop than attempt to deprive ourselves entirely, only to end up eating the whole pan.
A good diet and nutrition program will also help us k eep in mind the cost of the foods we eat. We're not talking about dollars and cents here, but the FITNESS cost of the food. When picking up that fudge, keep in mind what it will cost to enjoy it. When picking up a plate at the buffet table, let's take a moment to pause and think to ourselves: "The cost of this fudge will be an extra _____ minutes of that worth it to me?" Maybe. Maybe not. That's for each of us to decide on our own.
The point is that we should be conscious of our food decisions. No foods are forbidden entirely, but we do need to watch our portion sizes and carefully consider the cost of each food. Any good weight management program will incorporate these concepts and also will be approved by your doctor.
-> How To Find The Right Weight Loss Supplement:
Perhaps even more so than with weight loss diets, when searching for weight loss supplements it is critical to rely on the advice of your physician. The careful and supervis ed use of weight loss diet pills, combined with a sensible diet and regular exercise, can lead to quick weight loss and even easy weight loss (or at least easier than you expected).
Beware, however, the supplement scams on the market. It seems that every time we turn around we are blasted and bombarded with the latest, greatest, new and improved treatment for obesity. The gimmicks just keep coming. The sad truth is that few of these products work. Even fewer will result in real, permanent and lasting fat loss. A very few of the weight loss gimmicks on the market today are not only a consumer rip-off, but they are also quite dangerous.....even deadly.
As an example, consider the prescription diet drug Meridia. Does it help you lose weight? For some people, the answer is yes. For others, the answer is no. Can it kill you? The answer to this question seems to be a nervous 'maybe'. "The consumer group Public Citizen had petitioned the Food and Drug Administration f or a ban, citing Meridia users who died of heart problems as young as their 20s and 30s. Even before Meridia was approved for sale, the FDA knew it could increase users' blood pressure, the group contended." (Source:
This week the FDA again refused to ban Meridia, even though whistleblower David Graham (an FDA drug safety officer) testified to Congress last fall that his agency was allowing five unsafe medicines to stay on the market, including Meridia.
Another example of a dangerous weight loss drug is ephedra. Ephedra was banned in the United States last year, in part due to numerous deaths attributed to this popular weight loss supplement. On April 14 2005, a federal Judge in Utah reversed the short-lived ban on ephedra. Within minutes, spammers were filling our email boxes with messages to BUY BUY BUY before ephedra was banned again.
Yes, ephedra will help some people lose weight. Yes, ephedra is safe for some people in low doses. But there is that little nagging fact that people have DIED and that their deaths have been attributed to ephedra use.....
Yet another example of a dangerous diet drug is steroids. For whatever reason, some people have decided that anabolic steroids are the best way to lose weight. Despite the well-documented and serious side-effects of steroid use, the lure of easy weight loss has caused many to throw caution to the wind. Perhaps the most concerning trend is steroid use among our teenage population: "Teens also listed steroids, growth hormone, amino acids and other potentially unhealthful products among those they'd tried in the previous year." (Source:
There do exist, however, some diet supplements that work and are also quite safe. Again, it is never a good idea to begin any supplementation program without first seeking the advice and approval of your doctor.
Three popular and dependable fat loss products designed to help you lose weight fast are Chro meMate, Lipotropic Plus and Super L-Carnitine.
Chromium helps insulin metabolize fat, turn protein into muscle and convert sugar into energy. ChromeMate, a unique form of niacin-bound chromium, is designed to optimize energy output. It accomplishes this by increasing the amount of glucose available for energy production nearly twenty-fold. It also is the "master" nutrient for controlling blood sugar, which in turn curbs sugar cravings. What's more, a study at Auburn University showed that ChromeMate reduced LDL cholesterol by an average of 14%. In fact, ChromeMate has been awarded a patent for lowering cholesterol.
The Lipotropic Plus Formula is scientifically-engineered to assist in the breakdown, distribution and burning (oxidation) of fatty acids. The active ingredients actually accelerate the fat-burning process by breaking down fat cells into smaller particles (emulsification) to be used for fuel during exercise.
Super L-Carnitine is essential for f at burning. I.B. Fritz and K.T.N. Yue, physiologists from the University of Michigan, discovered that Carnitine actually accelerates fat-burning. Without it, fat is unable to penetrate the walls of the mitochondria of the muscle cells. Carnitine is the shuttle that carries fat into your body's furnaces (muscles) to be burned for energy. Super L-Carnitine increases the rate of fat utilization for fuel.
-> Weight Loss Exercise:
In this article we've been discussing weight loss diets and weight loss supplements. At this point it is essential that we add the third and most important component of overall health and fitness: exercise.
Exercise is one weight loss method that has never been banned, has never led to an investigation, and has never been been listed on a 'whistleblower' fraud report.
Exercise is the only path to health and fitness that virtually every doctor in the world agrees upon. Exercise is safe, effective, and brings many more benefits to our lives than diets or drugs ever will alone. Exercise is fun, invigorating, motivating and the single most powerful way to improve our life and well-being!
Yes, it's quite possible to lose weight without participating in regular exercise. However, diet and exercise combined will help us burn fat faster than we thought possible! Weight loss achieved by regular exercise and diet will be healthy weight loss because of all the benefits we obtain from regular exercise:
1. Strengthens muscles 2. Strengthens bone 3. Strengthens ligaments 4. Strengthens tendons 5. Strengthens immune system 6. Improves muscle tone 7. Improves endurance 8. Improves strength 9. Improves self esteem 10. Improves confidence 11. Improves balance 12. Improves physical appearance 13. Improves physical performance 14. Improves glucose tolerance 15. Improves circulation 16. Improves memory 17. Lower risk of heart disease 18. Lower risk of diabetes 19. Lower risk of cancer 20. Lower blood p ressure 21. Lower cholesterol 22. Lower risk of stroke 23. Lower risk of osteoporosis 24. Lower risk of osteoarthritis 25. Lower requirements for medication 26. Lower risk of injury 27. Lower bodyfat 28. Helps with sleep disorders 29. Reduces post-operative complications 30. Reduces frequency of illness 31. Prevent Alzheimer's disease 32. Prevents muscle loss 33. Increases metabolism 34. Eases symptoms of menopause 35. Healthier pregnancy 36. Fewer problems with childbirth 37. Reduces ovulation problems 38. Prevents heartburn
Reaching your ideal weight via a healthy and active lifestyle has been found to lower health risks and medical problems in 90 percent of overweight patients. In addition to the exercise benefits listed above, fit people are eight times less likely to die from cancer than the unfit, and 53 percent less likely to die from other diseases. Fit people are also eight times less likely to die from heart disease.
Without a doubt, regular exercise is the most important piece of the puzzle and the best way to achieve rapid weight loss. Exercise is the safest way to achieve permanent fat loss, and when combined with a sound diet and nutrition program the body is turned into a virtual fat-burning furnace!
-> Conclusion:
Fast weight loss is possible if we, under the supervision and approval of our doctor, combine a sensible diet with a diet pill or weight loss pill that is safe and effective. When we combine these three fat-burning strategies it is almost guaranteed that we will experience quick weight loss results.
The Mediterranean Diet Can Be Good For Your Metabolism
Mediterranean diets are gaining in popularity because they offer low-fat, low carb alternatives to typical American diet foods. If you or a family member suffers from high cholesterol, you may want to steer your eating habits in a better direction. With great Turkish recipes and Greek recipes that are available online with this diet plan, it is easier than ever to sign up.
Also, Mediterranean diets are based on simple ingredients that are put together in a variety of delicious and exciting ways. Many people actually prefer to use extra virgin olive oil to spice up most of the dishes. The nutty, fruity flavor of the olive oil lends a delicious light touch to practically any dinner or lunch food. The good news for you is that Mediterranean diets depend a great deal on extra virgin olive oil.
The best part is that Mediterranean food is a snap to prepare. Making a Greek salad, for instance, requires only a few basic ingredients that you can purchase at any local supermarket. You can make your Greek salad with fresh lettuce, plump cherry tomatoes, wonderful kalamata olives, and a hint of balsamic vinaigrette topped off with feta cheese. Just the thought of such a salad makes most people want to head to the kitchen.
More and more, research is starting to point to the role of a person's diet in determining the likelihood of suffering heart disease. The best way to take care of your heart is to eat well before problems develop and not wait until the problem is there already to get started. That's why I encourage my family members and friends to eat lightly in the Mediterranean style. After all, too many fatty foods and thick, buttery sauces will clog your arteries and slow you down eventually.
The Mediterranean diet plan as well as others can be found online at These diet plans will help those who want to lose weight and those who just want to start eating better and healthier foods. Let's face it, 80% of the p opulation in America is considered overweight and/or higher risk for weight related diseases. With those stats, can it be a wonder that so many diet plans are causing such a stir?
The Mediterranean diet is great for boosting your metabolism because it doesn't take away from your being able to eat what you like. The Mediterranean diet is popular because of the variety of foods that you can eat. It actually encourages you to eat often. Unlike the Atkins diet plan, this one does not want you to cut out anything and it really will help you to boost your metabolism without the use of drugs or chemicals. It certainly makes sense.
Your Metabolism And The Mediterranean Diet
Because Mediterranean diets offer low carb, low fat alternatives to traditional American diet foods, they are increasing in popularity. You may decide to steer your own eating habits into a better course, especially if you or one of your loved ones suffers from high cholesterol. The delicious Greek and Turkish recipes that are accessible online with this particular diet plan make it simpler than ever before to sign up.
Furthermore, Mediterranean diets are based on everyday ingredients that are combined in many different tasty and titillating ways. In fact, a lot of people prefer to spice up the recipes by using extra virgin olive oil. The fruity and yet nutty taste of this olive oil gives a light and flavorful touch to just about any lunch or dinner meal. With this in mind, the really good news that that the dishes prepared for Mediterranean diets often rely on using extra virgin olive oil.
Another super factor about Mediterranean food is that i t is truly simple to prepare. For example, a Greek salad consists of a few basic ingredients that can be found at any local grocery store. Pick up some ripe cherry tomatoes, fresh lettuce, kalamata olives and add a touch of balsamic vinaigrette toped with feta cheese. Reading about this salad makes a lot of folks want to bolt for the kitchen and get started.
The latest research has found that an individual's diet can have a determining role their potential to suffer from heart disease. To take proper care of your heart, you should eat properly prior to any difficulties arising and exercise preventative dietary measures. Because it is so healthy and delicious, I encourage all of my friends and loved ones to eat in Mediterranean manner to eat light. As we all well know, an excess of thick butter sauces and fatty foods will eventually slow you down and clog your arteries.
If you go online and visit you can find the Mediterranean diet plan along with quite a few others. These weight loss plans will assist those people that want to lose weight as well as folks that simply desire to eat better foods for increased health. The harsh reality is that 80% of the American population is considered to be overweight and at a high risk for diseases that are weight related. Such statistics are certainly contributing to the clamor towards so many diet plans.
The greatest part of the Mediterranean diet is that it boosts your metabolism and does not deprive you of the foods you enjoy. In fact, the vast popularity of the Mediterranean diet is because you can eat a wide variety of foods often during the day. It is a sensible diet because unlike the Atkins diet, this weight management plan does not require you to eliminate any particular foods and assists you in boosting your metabolism.
What are the Most Popular Diets In Hollywood?| What do these Diets Consist of?
Our friends the celebrities, well we feel like they are. They are so much a part of lives we can hardly make it through the day without seeing one of them in a magazine, on TV, or on the internet. We look and wonder what it would be like to be them. What it would be like to have their money, clothes, car, and jewelry. But most often we wonder what it would be like to have their looks and their bodies. At least one time we all have said "If I looked like...than I would be rich and famous". Come on, you haven't... really. You are probably thinking it right now! So we go searching for the most Popular Diets in Hollywood to find out which diet our celebrity used to get fit and trim.
In one of my previous articles title "What are the Most Popular Celebrity Diets?" I discussed and gave an opinion on The Zone Diet, The Atkins Diet, and the Sugar Busters Diet. In this article I will discuss and give an opinion on more of the Popu lar Diets in Hollywood and why I think you should look to an alternative program that will not force you to guess how to do the program and not cost you nearly as much.
Here are some of the Popular Diets in Hollywood:
- The South Beach Diet- Great Diet program you can get customized diets, recipes and food guides, weight tracker tools, and news letters. This diets works by utilizing "3 phases" in the first phase you will have to completely cut out carbohydrates. That's 2 weeks without bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, or baked goods. No fruit, even. You also won't eat candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, or sugar for two weeks. Also, no beer or alcohol. Yikes! I don't know about you but that's seems pretty rough to me. On top of this in order to keep receiving support from the website you need to pay for a membership. You will need to pay 5 dollars per week in order to have access to the tools you'll need to stay on track. After 2 months you will have paid $40 after one year you will have spent $260 in membership fees. I know gyms that are cheaper than that.
- The GI Diet- Developed by Dr. David Jenkins who is a professor of nutrition at the University of Toronto. The GI (glycemic index) measures the speed at which foods are broken down by the body to form glucose, the body's source of energy. High G.I. foods break down quickly and leave you looking for the next food fix. Low G.I. foods break down more slowly and leave you feeling fuller, longer. It is these low G.I. foods that form the core of the diet. Foods are categorized by 3 colors red, yellow, and green. After you purchase the series of 3 books for $40 you will be able to understand how to categorize each food according to its color. By eating the appropriate colored foods in the correct proportion you will lose weight.
- I've found one product that is easy to implement and if you can cook some simple recipes you will be well on your way to losing weight like the and it won't cost you nearly as much. In fact you will probably be saving money in the long run, because some of the expensive foods you buy like potato chips and ice cream will be out of the equation.
- Strip That Fat is a premier weight loss software. Strip That Fat will leave all of the Popular Diets in Hollywood in the back of the aisles. This software is easy to use, you can select your favorite foods and you will get a customized 14 day meal plan using the foods you like to eat. It will also print you a shopping list so there is no more guessing. Pretty soon you will look like you've been on one of the Popular Diets in Hollywood and you'll be happy knowing that it did not cost you nearly as much.
What are the Most Popular Celebrity Diets?| Which Diets do the Celebrities Use to Lose Weight?
The Most Popular Celebrity Diets are the ones that have us talking and thinking that we can duplicate the results of our favorite celebrity. We all want the body of Brad Pitt, Jennifer Anniston, Sarah Jessica Parker, or Kylie Minogue right. Of course we do, but what will it cost us to go on one of these diets, can we actually believe that the celebrities who are endorsing that diet are actually using it. What gimmick is the ploy to get us to buy into that weigh loss plan?
I've done the research for you and I will tell you that it's not cheap to utilize some of the Most Popular Celebrity diets.
- The Zone Diet- is one of the Most Popular Celebrity Diets, it consists of a membership to Dr. Sears' website (it's free), they recommend that you eat balanced meals (that's good too), but they want you to buy their supplements. The two supplements they recommend you take are the Omega-3 (fis h oil) and the polyphenols (anti-oxidant). These 2 products alone can cost you about $70.00 a month. Now imagine buying their shakes too. Not to mention you still have to buy your own groceries.
- The Atkins Diet- Don't even get me started on why this diet is not good for you. When you are forced to go on a low carbohydrate diet you will lose weight quickly but the chances of you keeping the weight off is slim. That is why you'll hear people say "The Atkins Diet worked for me, I'm probably going back on it to lose the weight again" If you ever hear someone say they need to go back on the same diet they were on before to lose the weight they gained back, that's a diet you don't want to try because chances are it's not a good program that you will want to stick to for the long term.
- Sugar Busters- This diet consists of lessening your sugar intake. By doing this you will lower you insulin production that causes you t o convert excess sugar to fat. This is a great idea but without guidance to your specific likes and dislikes. You can buy the main book about the diet plan and you can also purchase the cookbook to accompany the program. Chances are you won't read the book and the meals will not be customized for your specific taste. If you are as picky as I am about the food you eat this is probably not for you.
After all of the research is done and over with and you are still left wondering which celebrity you should trust and which diet will not rip you off. You are left with no more answers and probably more questions.
I've found one product that is easy to implement and if you can cook some simple recipes you will be well on your way to losing weight like the Most Popular Celebrity Diets and it won't cost you nearly as much. In fact you will probably be saving money in the long run, because some of the expensive foods you buy like potato chips and ice cream w ill be out of the equation.
Strip That Fat is the premier weight loss software. Strip That Fat will leave all of the Most Popular Celebrity Diets in the dust. This software is so easy to use, you can select your favorite foods and you will get a 14 day meal plan that is customized to the foods you like to eat. It will even print you out a shopping list so there is no more guessing. Pretty soon you will look like you've been on one of the Most Popular Celebrity Diets and you'll be happy knowing that it did not cost you nearly as much.
Can Pizza Be Part Of A Healthy Diet?
At any given time, approximately 65 million Americans are on a diet. As a nation we try every diet product that comes along, from diet pills to fat burner lotions to weight loss surgery. We attend Weight Watchers meetings for our weight loss support, and we seek out weight loss tips anywhere we can find them. We've tried the weight loss herbs, the Nicole Richie weight loss plan, and the fat flush diet. In other words, many Americans have tried every weight loss system on the market today.
Unfortunately, most people haven't yet written their own weight loss success story. Most people are seeking rapid weight loss through one method or another, yet almost two-thirds of our nation is still classified as overweight. About one-third of our population is clinically obese. Clearly, the average weight in the United States continues to rise just as fast as the number of crash diets advertised on television.
While it can certainly be argued that Americans don't exercis e to lose weight nearly enough and rely too much on quick weight loss diets, it's also true that a healthy diet will can have a substantial impact on fat loss results.
Diet Dilemma:
Unfortunately, when most people consider weight loss nutrition they automatically think of low fat foods such as alfalfa sprouts, broccoli and nonfat cottage cheese. Just the thought of surviving on such meager fare leaves the dieter discouraged and disappointed. Unable to eat the foods they love, dieters give up all hope of achieving their spot on the ideal weight chart and revert to their old pre-diet dining habits.
That's where most diets fail. Consumers, seeking honest weight loss help, are led to believe that in order to reach their ideal body weight they absolutely must give up all the foods they love and enjoy. Not realizing that this diet information is dangerous and self-defeating, the average dieter attempts to 'willpower' their way through day after tortuous day, denying themselves the very foods that they cherish the most. Such an approach almost never leads the consumer to a healthy weight because it's virtually impossible to deny yourself to this extreme. After the inevitable failure of this weight management technique, the dieter feels like a personal failure. Feelings of inadequacy set in, and it's easy to lose weight loss motivation altogether.
Thankfully, your weight loss story doesn't have to end here. An eminently better way to diet and lose fat is to make modifications to your menu that you can stick with for life. While it is possible to burn fat using the 'willpower through it' method, weight loss success is much more likely when small (almost unnoticeable) changes are made.
Americans Consume Piles Of Pizza:
Pizza is a perfect example of how you can make a minor modification to your diet, without giving up the foods you adore, and still attain some healthy weight loss. "Americans spent more than $2 2 billion last year on pizza, according to 'The Pizza Market' study conducted by Packaged Facts, a market research company. Helping to drive this trend is what many refer to as "consumers' growing love affair" with frozen pizza. About 7.7% of total dollars spent for pizza in 1995 was for frozen pizza, and growing sales are being spurred by the new rising crust varieties." (Source: Baking Business; 11-26-1996).
Most pizzas will do little to help your fast weight loss diet because they're typically loaded down with high-fat toppings like cheese and pepperoni. As an example, Pizza Hut claims that "If all the cows it takes to produce Pizza Hut cheese stood end to end, they would span the distance between the international space station and Earth at its point closest to the planet (333 kilometers or 207 miles)" (Source: Pizza Hut).
As a nation, our love affair with pizza has hindered our weight control efforts. Each man, woman and child in America eats an average of 46 slices (23 pounds) of pizza a year (Source: Packaged Facts, New York). A look at the Pizza Hut menu reveals that a single (100 gram) slice of Pizza Hut pan pizza (pepperoni) has 280 calories. That same slice at Domino's Pizza will cost you 310 calories. A single (153 gram) slice of Papa John's Pizza (The Meats) checks in at a whopping 430 calories, while a slice of pepperoni (111 grams) at Round Table Pizza boasts 310 calories. Finally, a (141 gram) deep-dish pepperoni slice from Little Caesars will set you back 350 calories.
Can Pizza Be Part Of A Healthy Diet?
With all those calories in pizza, and the pizza delivery truck just a phone call away, your diet and nutrition plan may be in jeopardy. But it doesn't have to be. The incredible pizza served up at your favorite pizza restaurant doesn't have to derail your weight loss plan. While the local pizza franchise won't ever be mistaken for the neighborhood quick weight loss center, and pizza probably won't ever qualify as a fat burning food, you don't have to give it up entirely in favor of the latest fad diet.
Many Americans are finding that their local pizza place is now offering healthier choices. With consumers concerned about so many carbs in pizza (due to the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet), and with high fat foods still a concern for many, pizza recipes are changing for the better.
Papa Murphy's deLITE Pizza May Fit Your Diet Plan:
Papa Murphy's Pizza is a fine example of a company that has listened to the customer and now offers a diet recipe on its pizza menu. Aware that many people are on a low-carb diet and weight loss program, Papa Murphy's has adjusted their pizza dough recipe accordingly. The result is their deLITE line of pizzas, where a slice of pepperoni will cost you only 160 calories. Mindful of the millions of Americans on a low carbohydrate diet, Papa Murphy's has cut back on the crust while preserving the flavor. Even the Papa Murphy's equivalent of the big sausage pizza, which they call the Meat DeLITE, has just 190 calories.
With their Cheese DeLITE pizza boasting only 140 calories per slice, and the Veggie DeLITE pizza coming in at just 150 calories per slice, we may assume that the pizza ovens at Papa Murphy's are working overtime!
So, Can Pizza Be Part Of A Healthy Diet?
While a steady diet of pizza will never be the next Weight Watcher diet, and the local pizza restaurant will never be a weight loss clinic, it is not unreasonable to claim that the Papa Murphy's deLITE line of pizzas can indeed be a valuable part of our diet and exercise program.
Traditional diets promising easy weight loss demand that the dieter forfeit their favorite foods. More often than not, such diet programs include giving up pizza. Such drastic actions are often a direct path to failure, leaving the dieter with a weight issue they cannot handle and a monumental feeling of failure.
A much better approach to any weight loss diet is making small but significant changes that the dieter can stick to for life. One such change is making a switch from regular high-fat, high-calorie pizza to the Papa Murphy's DeLITE line. Based upon a comparison to Papa John's (see above), substituting the Papa Murphy's DeLITE pizza will save you 290 calories per slice. Keeping in mind that the average American consumes 46 slices of pizza annually, the potential caloric savings is 13,340 calories per year. That's almost four pounds of fat that can be shed each and every year simply by switching to the DeLITE pizza!
Is the DeLITE pizza a guaranteed way to lose weight fast? Is the DeLITE pizza a diet food or even a low fat option? Of course not. But it will help most dieters stay on their plan, and thus gives them a higher probability of achieving their ideal weight. So while it's not a good idea to go into a pizza frenzy just yet, the DeLITE pizzas from Papa Murphy's may i ndeed be part of your healthy diet.
Diet Information Can Be Found Freely Online
When it comes to dieting you need all the help and information you can get and there is no better place to get it than online. The internet holds a huge amount of resources, help, advice, hints, tips and diet information to help you get started and to keep you going. There are specialist websites that offer all this information free of charge.
If you are looking for diet information to get you started off on a diet or have no idea which type of diet would work best for you then you will find it. There are plenty of diets out there and some work better than others for different individuals. There are low fat diets, low carb diets and calorie counting diets. Diets can have fancy names such as the South Beach, the Atkins diet and the Zone and the internet can give you the information on all of them. You do have to be sensible when starting a diet and take things slowly and be aware that there are "fad" diets which can do more help than good. However you can find all the information relating to the harm that a "fad" diet can do online and also find a sensible eating plan. The majority of diets that are successful are based on counting calories and the internet gives all the diet information needed to get started on this type of diet.
Some of the most successful plans are based on watching what you eat and clubs such as Weightwatchers can be found online. Weightwatchers have local meetings where dieters all get together and share their success but they also give support and diet information by way of the web. They are one of the most successful of all diet clubs and have thousands of members. You can get encouragement, learn about the system, find new recipes and keep a check of your points online. All diets require encouragement and this is why the Weightwatchers system works so well.
If you have already started on a diet and need some hints and tips on how to keep it going by introducing new recipes into th e diet then the net holds plenty to tempt your taste buds. There are specialist websites that give free diet information and advice relating to all aspects of dieting. Here you can find articles, recipes and information on the latest diets. If you need help and support during the tough times then websites offer forums where those dieting can get together and give each other support.
There is no need to pay for diet information a simple search will reveal that there are websites that offer this information freely. If you need general information regarding dieting and eating healthily then this can be found too. You can get tips for eating well, including the types of foods you should include in your diet and those that you should cut out. You can also find out what a healthy weight is and the importance of nutrition in the diet.
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Useful Information about Fad Diets
If you aren't happy with what you see in the mirror but don't want to harm your health with some crazy fad diet, try these tips that might help you take off a few pounds in a healthy way: - Why not consult a physician? A dietician can have a good background of your health and thus advise you of a fitted diet for your health condition. - Water as have been said, remains to be a good cleansing element for the body. Water theraphy is a good treatment that's also good for your skin. Drink lots of water and get rid of those toxins! - When you're hungry; there's a greater tendency to indulge on overeating on a latter time so please, don't skip meals. - Exercise! Try to jog or brisk walk at least 30 minutes every single day. This is also good for your heart. - Do no go into crash diet; slowly aim in losing 2 or less pounds a week. Sticking into a faster but harder diet can get you depressed and thus intend you to give up easily; the result? You will gain more weight. - Learn whil e dieting! Read good books on how to count your calories; how to choose or make of delicious but nutritious foods that do not overdo your weight; etc. - Learn the value of discipline. Obesity may also be aggravated by people who do not monitor their diet.
When all your efforts have been wasted and you finally decided to go with the flow; there are numerous fad diets available today. Fad diets are food selections which you will have to follow in a regular pattern. Select the best way to loose these calories! Here is a list of the latest fad-diet:
1. The Atkins diet suggests you to lessen your carb intake. So you'll say, this is quite easy; all you have to do is eat milk, cookies or ice cream with low carbohydrate! Well, think again, with atkin diet, there are surprisingly 2 dieters who already died due to health problems such as kidney stones, constipation, increase of blood acidity, etc.
2. The Blood type diet is quite interesting too! If you're Blood Ty pe is O, you require meat in your diet; Blood type B needs dairy products whereas those under type A need vegetables. Most people do not know their blood types leading to poor diet; but on the other hand, a balance diet is vital for a healthy body. So consider this, will the blood type diet be effective if you'll loose some foods needed for nourishment?
3. You can also try the South Beach diet. This diet will not limit your intake of food; however, it will discourage you to eat those processed foods with saturated or high fat components. As a replacement, having large servings of vegetables and whole grains in your meals are highly recommended.
4. Soup Diet. As the name implies, your meals will be composed heavily of soups! It can be chicken and cabbage soups which can be accompanied by little servings of steamed vegetables, fruits or brown sugar.
5. The Chocolate Diet sounds tempting doesn't it?! Included in the menus are the well-loved chocolates, po pcorn and pasta. Just make sure that pasta sauces have low fat ingredients and that fruits are included in the recipes. Excluded are sodas or alcoholic beverages, oily or fried foods, caffeine, foods with high calories and high sugar content etc.
6. You can also choose the Fruit juice Diet; the well-known is the Grapefruit Diet. You will have to follow the prescribed diet with fruit juices, some low-carb meals and a good amount of water for 18 weeks. A recent survey shows that many patients who undertook this diet lost more than 10 pounds in a 12-week average diet plan.
So now that you have a list of pretty good dietary programs, which is well-known nowadays, the moral will all lay in your hands. Good amount of discipline is necessary; and precautious moves should always be on a top priority.
There are a lot of ways to stay fit, it is your choice on whether to stay obese and unhealthy or be happy and strong! You owe yourself and your future family a lo nger life span and sustainable health which can be useful for you and the society.
Which Diet is Best for You?
A recent research shows that nearly 60% of all U.S. adults are overweight. In fact, most of us need to lose a few pounds once in a while. With all the fast food just around the corner, it is so easy for us to gain weight.
Unfortunately, most of us don't know how to deal with this problem. We do not know where to start in order to lose weight effectively. With so much hype and misinformation, we find it hard what is really true and what really works. The more diets published in magazines and on the Internet, the more people are confused about what dieting really means and about the right way of bringing your body back in shape.
The growing number of overweight people has turned weight loss into an industry like never before and the market is growing every year. It seems that nowadays all one needs is a fashionable idea and a flair for marketing in order to make a lot of money or garner a lot of popularity by proposing some sort of weird diet, desp ite the lack of professional expertise in this field.
1. Atkins Diet
Pretty much everybody's head of the Atkins diet, largely due to the flood of articles praising the extraordinary results, not to mention the loads of good mail from satisfied customers. The biggest thing in favor of this diet is that it lets you eat high fat dairy products like cheese and butter. However, the Atkins diet has fallen from its lofty perch over suspicions of increasing the risk of heart diseases, not to mention the proved fact that bigger number of followers complain of diarrhea, weakness, muscle cramps and rashes. The debate over the scientific fundamentals of this diet is still raging.
2. Zone Diet
This diet is the brainchild of Barry Sears and it's all about eating the right mix of foods in order to reach the proper hormonal balance. This state of balance, which is called the "Zone", lets the body take in calories and use them throu gh the day without putting anything aside as fat.
Unfortunately, this diet does some serious discrimination among foods without any scientific basis. Starchy vegetables, whole grains and beans are banned, although these foods are not in conflict with the principles of the diet. The American Heart Association says the Zone diet lacks essential nutrients while promoting high-protein foods.
3. Jenny Craig Diet
One of the longest running diets, Jenny Craig started this business in the early 1980s and it's still around. The basic idea of this diet is a trade off: you don't have to choose recipes, do the shopping and the cooking, but you have to buy the Jenny Craig prepackaged food. And that runs to some $100 per week. Plus the membership costs. Plus the vegetables and fruits which are not included in the prepackaged food. If you can afford it and if you can stick to it, the diet is pretty good.
However, similar low-calori e foods can be bought at the grocery store and you don't have to discuss this with a Jenny Craig expert that insists on your eating the prepackaged food because he gets a percentage of the sale price.
4. South Beach Diet
This one has the right idea and wrong approach combination down pat. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people have managed to lose weight with this diet and it actually works. But the question is: can you really stick to it?
The first phase of the diet will eliminate most foods containing carbohydrates from your daily consumption. Fortunately, this phase lasts two weeks. Unfortunately, second phase focuses on a half-hearted return of whole grains and fruits and lasts… as long as necessary. If reaching the desired weight takes you one year, then that's exactly how long this phase is going to last. And if you don't like the foods allowed by this diet then you're out of luck.
5. Weight Watchers
This is actually one of the best diets around because it puts all the management tools in the hands of the user. If you are really committed to losing weight, you have all the information you need to do it.
And a lot of people who are going through the same thing are going to be there to help you. If having company during difficult times helps your willpower, then you are probably going to lose all that extra weight. If, on the other hand, you don't like the idea of being constantly under peer pressure, then this diet is not for you.
After pointing out some of the best and popular diets in the market, I still would suggest the best thing to consider when choosing a diet is to do your own research. Try to get as many testimonials as possible from people who have tried it. You also need to hear what your doctor and dietitians have to say about your chosen diet.
>> More Info Here <<
Staying Thin with the "Right" Diet
News Flash! This "just in" hot off the presses...
Researches now say that that Atkins and other low-carbohydrate diets do not help when it comes to staying thin. In a comparison between low-carbohydrate, low fat and reduced calorie diets, all participants started to regain weight after six months, and by twelve months there was little difference between the groups. "There is no clear evidence that Atkins-style diets are better than any others for helping people stay slim, despite the popularity and apparent success of the Atkins diet," says Professor Arne Astrup of RVA University in Copenhagen, Denmark. maybe this is a bit melodramatic, but it drives home a point. We are living in a world of dietary confusion, a Land of Oz and make-believe, where facts are hard to find and commercial diets aim to keep us in a confused state and distract us from the truth. This is just one of the many barriers that people face when trying to lose weight.
So how are we expected to deal with all this dietary misinformation? Here is a suggestion. Ignore the hype, find a safe and healthy diet that makes good common sense, and stay with the plan for life. While this might not seem like any great revelation, it's amazing how many dieters beat their heads against the wall struggling to lose weight, hoping that "this time" the results will be different. My friend, if this describes your experience with dieting, you are following the wrong plan and need to consider a different approach.
Think back for a moment about how many times you have heard that to lose weight you must be "disciplined" in your approach. Or to put it another way, to lose weight you must be willing to just give up eating your favorite foods (like ice cream) and dining at your favorite places (yes, those fast foods are definitely out of the question). If this ill-advice actually worked, The U.S. National Center for Health Statistics would no longer rank obesity as one of their leading health problems!!
It's not that Atkins, Weight Watchers, South Beach or any other weight loss plan can't help us to lose weight. Ask almost anybody, and they will tell you it's a snap to lose a few pounds. And, in fact, it is! We have no problem at all losing weight on virtually any diet. The problem surfaces its ugly head when we step on the scale six months down the road. Our high hopes and aspirations for losing weight get crushed when we realize that our weight, like the prodigal son of Biblical report, has found its way back home.
Take a moment to consider this fact: According to a nationwide survey (Gardenburger Inc.) it is estimated that more than three-quarters of all women between the ages of 25 and 54 make a decision to lose weight each year. In this same survey, nine out of ten respondents reported disappointing long-term results (some respondents actually gained weight instead).
You see, losing weight is easy! Anyone on b asically any diet can lose weight. The difficult and tricky part is in keeping the pounds from creeping back-on over time.
We've been misled with just about every possible explanation and cause for gaining weight, ad-infinitum. If it's not our lack of commitment, then it's our low self esteem, failing to plan, or for some other reason. You name it, and there's an explanation out there! But, the truth be known, when it comes to getting and staying slim, most of these "explanations" don't make much sense.
What really, really matters in the long run is whether our everyday eating habits and energy intake are in-balance with our everyday energy expenditure.
The reason 95% of commercial diets eventually fail is because they violate this simple principle. They are designed for the "quick fix", not for normal everyday eating that can last a lifetime. Most commercial diets require additional time and effort to start and follow, and worse, attempt to deprive us o f our favorite foods and stop us from eating at our favorite restaurants.
With our busy schedules and increasing demands both at home and work, trying to find even an extra 10 minutes a day can be a challenge. Spending hours, or even days trying to adjust to a new diet plan is not only unrealistic, but is a total waste of precious time!
We all love the novelty and intrigue of trying something different and starting the next new "fad" diet plan is no exception. But unfortunately, the outcome for most of these plans is unsatisfactory. Once the novelty and excitement wear off we're usually right back to where we started.
Attempts to force-fit changes in our diet generally follow a pattern that goes something like this...
- We start a new diet program. Excitement runs high, we are motivated to the max, the pounds are dropping like crazy, and the World is a wonderful place.
- Our busy schedule gets even busier. There are kids to take care of, bo sses to satisfy, and of course there are always those new diet guidelines to learn and follow.
- At some point we find ourselves smack-dab in the middle of a time management crisis, and looking for ways to save time.
- We decide to skip a few of the time consuming "special" diet meals and recipes "just this once".
- Our "stash" of diet foods starts getting depleted, there's no time for a full-blown grocery shopping experience, and we make the inevitable run to our local convenience store instead ( did those snacks get into the grocery cart anyhow?).
...and so goes the story. We soon find that the restrictions, regulations and requirements of our new diet are incompatible with our normal eating habits. Before we even realize what's happening we're back to our old unhealthy, but more convenient way of eating. And the pile of dieting books and other special dieting paraphernalia we spend our hard earned money buying continues to grow.
The moral of the story is this; beware of diets that come loaded with all sorts of gimmicky and strange requirements and attempt to change our normal eating behavior. They are doomed to failure right from the start.
Find a diet that is practical, nutritious and in-balance with your everyday energy requirements. Do this, and you are guaranteed success!
Looking For The Top 10 Diets?
Want to know what the Top 10 Diets are? So did we; so we decided to find out what the most searched for diets were on Google - the number one search engine. And here are the top 10 diets, starting with number 10:
10) Ornish Diet - The Ornish diet was developed by Dr. Dean Ornish, as a low fat diet for vegetarians. His plan was to create a diet to help avoid clogged arteries rather than later having to deal with them. His credo is this is your life you should own it and learn to manage your diet and day to day stress.
9) Zone Diet - The Zone diet which was created by Dr. Barry Sears, is a reduced calorie diet, and has one simple premise - use food as fuel. Eating the proper ratio of low carbohydrates, dietary fat, and lean protein you can burn excess body fat and keep it off permanently.
8) Okinawa Diet - First published in 2001, the Okinawa Diet is an outline of healthy habits based on the lifestyle and diet of the Okinawans who have the highest rate of centenarians (40 per 100,000) on earth. With lots of vegetables and complex carbohydrates this diet gets a great deal of its protein from tofu.
7) Genotype Diet - Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, author of Eat Right 4 Your Type, has done it again, and now identifies six distinct genetic body types. Whether you are a Nomad, Warrior, Explorer, Teacher, Gatherer, or a Hunter, Dr. D'Adamo offers a customized program that compliments your genetic makeup.
6) DASH Diet - was created by the NIH (National Institute of Health) to lower cholesterol and blood pressure without benefit of medication. This diet has lots of fruits and vegetables, with low fat and/or nonfat dairy, beans, fish and poultry, grains, nuts and lean meats. This diet has 28 days of meal plans along with the recipes.
5) Diabetic Diet - Dr. Richard K. Bernstein brings a new low-carb diet plan that has enabled his patients to control their disease by stabilizing their bl ood sugar without the usual highs and lows and with fewer drugs.
4) Weight Watchers Diet - We first heard of Weight Watchers in the early to mid 60's. And some 97% of Weight Watcher's members say they not only like the plan they would recommend the diet to a friend. There are no forbidden foods or required prepackaged food to purchase. With several eating plans, you have lots of choices on Weight Watchers.
3) South Beach Diet - This diet was created by Dr. Arthur Agatston, a cardiologist, for his patients to use to improve insulin and cholesterol and levels. But to his surprise, not only did this low-fat and low-carbohydrate diet improve their health, it also caused his patients to drop a lot of weight.
2) Mediterranean Diet - For 50 years, doctors have observed that people of the Mediterranean area were much less likely to suffer heart disease or strokes. They attribute the region's health to a diet low in saturated-fat with plenty of whole grains. This reduced fat diet, with lots of complex carbohydrates is one of the easiest to follow.
1) Atkins Diet - Dr. Robert Atkins, whose diet books have been on the bestseller lists for years, is the author of "The Atkins Diet". Dr. Atkins advocates a high protein weight loss diet which emphasizes the benefits of protein and the dangers of carbohydrates. Still number one, after all these years.
Diet Plans
Diet plans are essential for leading a fit and healthy life. There are various diet plans that you can select, based on your requirements.
Some diet plans created are restrictive of carbohydrates and proteins. Others provide alternative food like cookie or the soup recipes. Still, others are integrated with stages or phases. But there's one which makes them united, most of them include fruits and vegetables.
3-Hour Diet
Description: Eat everything with perfect timing which was conceptualized by Jorge Cruise. It requires eating breakfast within 60 minutes upon getting up in the morning. Second is eating in 3 hour intervals or between meals. No more food is allowed 3 hours before going to bed at night.
What To Eat: 3 meals, 2 snacks, and a treat (carbohydrates, protein and fats) and small portion of sweets
Advantage: Flexibility of meal types and fits any food budget
Downside: It is not possible for very busy people
Atkins diet
Description: It is a meat based diet with no fruit or starchy vegetables conceptualized by Dr. Robert Atkins. No carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables and this results in using the reserve fats as source of energy
What To Eat: meat but no carbohydrates
Advantage: Effective for fast or crash diet
Downside: It is unhealthy since it doesn't practice good nutrition. In addition to that is the tendency for people to gain so much weight when diet stops. It increases risk of cancer.
The Cabbage Soup Diet
Description: It is a 7 day diet plan which includes cabbage soup recipe and other meals. Proper distribution of food groups within the 7 day period. It includes the special menu of cabbage soup. It also recommends taking in multivitamins to fight stress. It focuses on the lose water diet scheme.
What to Eat: cabbage soup menu, skim milk, brown rice, unsweetene d drinks, fruits
Advantage: It is effective for fast dieting. There is no possibility of serious heart problems. It includes a very simple recipe.
Downside: Weight gain when one stops the cabbage soup diet.
Cookie diet
Description: It requires eating cookies the entire day to replace the breakfast and lunch meals. Dinner should be healthy and sensible. Using cookies in a low calorie diet tends to make someone feel full. Cookie is made of amino acids and fiber.
What to eat: four to six cookies throughout the day and a healthy dinner
Advantage: It is effective for those who skip meals and have no time. It does not need preparation.
Downside: It is not easy to make it as a lifestyle diet scheme so it's short term. There are limited flavors for the cookies available.
Eat to Live Diet
Description: It requires eating low calorie nutritious meals conceptualized by Dr. Joe l Fuhrman. Primarily, focus on vegetables and fruits with less salt and sugar.
What to eat: nuts, vegetables, fruits and no snacking
Advantage: It aims to lose weight yet remain healthy. It is not a tasteless diet. It is lifestyle changing and good to lower cholesterol.
Downside: It is lifestyle changing so it would require avoiding the usual snacking and eating out practices.
The Raw Food Diet
Description: It requires eating a low calorie nutritious diet which includes raw food. It is also known as the living diet. Raw food is one of the best diet foods. It encompasses the living food philosophy.
What to Eat: salad, cake, soup, vegetables, fruits with recipes
Advantage: It is a low calorie diet but healthy and nutritious. Some recipes do not require 100% raw food.
Downside: Reality is that some vegetables can't be eaten raw. It entails planning and preparation.
The Sonoma Diet
Description: It includes ten power foods flavored in 3 waves conceptualized by Connie Guttersen. Food preparation of the ten power flavored foods based on Mediterranean diet with portion control
What to Eat: whole grains, almonds, bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, grapes, spinach, blueberries, strawberries, and olive oil.
Advantage: There is wide variety of food prepared with flavor and easy to maintain. Recipes are prepared to be shared with all family members.
Downside: It requires spending time for cooking.
The South Beach Diet
Description: The diet plans is restricted to low carbohydrates plus fruits and vegetables. It has 3 phases: restrictive, targeted and maintenance. It was created by Arthur Agatston.
What to Eat: lean meats, low fat vegetables and cheeses, low carbohydrates, fruits
Advantage: One eats three meals a day with snacks. It's easy to prepare fo od which includes frozen entrees.
Downside: Probably it is not as healthy as the Sonoma diet.
The Vegetarian Diet
Description: The diet plan involves a low calorie high in nutrients recipes. It must have a plan based on one's size from the Zone Food Blocks. It is a calorie restrictive diet.
What to Eat: sweet potato, brown rice, fruits and vegetables
Advantage: It is a healthy and balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates and fat.
Downside: It needs menu planning to check on alternatives for meat.
The Zone Diet
Description: It is a diet plan of eating 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 30% protein. It allows one to enjoy 3 meals and two snacks each day. It is one of the most famous diets in Hollywood. It was created by Barry Sears.
What to Eat: lean meats, vegetables, whole grain
Advantage: It includes all types of foods.
Downside: It can be expensive for those who will avail of food delivery. It can be complicated to follow on the ratio pattern of food intake
Lo Carb Diets Can Assist You Rapid Weight Loss
Lo carb diets are the newest dieting trend, and seem to be effective. Here are some tips for following a balanced lo carb diet:
Eat more fruit and vegetables, aiming for at least five portions a day. Include fruit at breakfast and salad at lunch. Reduce the amount of salt by eating less processed food, such as ready meals, and adding a smaller amount of salt to food. Eat a varied diet. Change your shopping list every week to help keep you out of unhealthy food ruts and make eating more enjoyable. Eat regular meals - although it doesn't matter when you eat your food, a consistent schedule helps most people to control their diet and their weight. Control your portion sizes so that over time, if not necessarily every day, the amount of energy you consume matches your level of activity. Try to be more physically active. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week. Activity helps to regulate your appetite, and means that you can eat more without gain ing weight. Drink alcohol only within sensible limits: not more than 14 units per week for women, and no more than three in any one day, and not more than 21 units per week for men, and no more than four in any one day.
The current most popular fad diet is the Lo Carb or Atkins diet. It restricts carbohydrate rich foods, thereby restricting total daily calories. Phase One of the four in the Atkins Diet consists of between 1400 to 1500 total daily calories. The average adult female consumes around 2200 calories daily and the average adult male consumes around 2800 calories daily. Almost any adult will lose weight if they consume 800 to 1300 fewer calories daily. Phase One of the Atkins Diet also restricts carbohydrate intake to only 20 grams of net carbohydrates daily. The definition of net carbohydrates is total grams of carbohydrates per serving minus dietary fibre per serving. Dietary fibre is the non-digestible remains of plant products found in beans, whole grains , fruits, and vegetables.
Carbohydrates are the body's preferred fuel source. In the near future there will be a recommended dietary allowance, or R.D.A., for carbohydrates of 130 grams daily. 130 grams of carbohydrates our body needs daily is for the proper functioning of the central nervous system and production of red blood cells. Only during Phase Four of the Atkins Diet are participants allowed up to 120 grams of net carbohydrate daily. Low carbohydrate diets are nothing new, they have been around since the 1860's and the Atkins Diet first came out in the early 1970's.
Most nutrition experts agree that to be successful in weight loss a person needs to keep the weight off for 5 years. Over 90% of people who take weight off through a fad diet like the Atkins Diet gain the weight back in less than one year. Participants on the Atkins Diet lose between 10 to 12 pounds in the first several weeks but this is only water loss, not fat. One pound of fat contains 35 00 calories. Therefore to lose 10 pounds of fat in several weeks you would need to consume 35,000 fewer calories or burn 35,000 calories more through exercise. Neither is likely to happen.
So, the best way to lose weight and become more healthy is to eat a balanced diet. Don't cut out all your carbs, but don't go overboard with them either. In addition to eating well, exercise in a proportional amount to what you are eating. Exercising too much is as bad as exercising too little.
Why Is Atkins The Most Popular Of All Low Carb Diets?
With all low carbohydrate diets claiming success, it can be hard to start the correct low carbohydrate diet for you? Are all low carb diets alike? It can be overwhelming with all low carb diets, products and plans you see everywhere. Luckily, these diets have been analyzed extensively. We'll get into all low carb diets - what works and what doesn't.
First enjoy this delicious recipe that is ok for all low carb diets:
Yummy Fast Breakfast Recipe
Easy Mushroom-Zucchini Greek Omlette
2 eggs
2 Tbsp water
Dash of onion, cumin and/or garlic powders
1 tablespoon olive oil (or nonstick cooking spray)
1 cup diced, or chopped Zucchini squash
1/4 cup sliced white mushrooms
1/4 cup shredded cheese
Green Olives for garnish
Add oil to small skillet, (or spray with nonstick cooking spray) and heat over medium heat.
Saute zucchini and mushrooms for 7 minutes, or until t ender. Lightly whip by hand eggs and water, add dash of onion, cumin and/or garlic powders. Pour egg/water mix into skillet.
When top is firm, sprinkle cheese onto half the omlette. Fold over other half. Serve each portion with Green Olives and sliced tomatoes.
Yields 4 servings
Total Net carbs: 3 grams per serving
Ok, Here are is the first review of the most well known of all the low carb diets: The Dr. Atkins Diet
Of all low carb diets, Atkins is probably one of the most popular there is. Most reviewers offer several reasons why Atkins is so attractive. The Atkins Diet can bring fast results. Atkins dieters notice a weight loss of eight to fourteen pounds within the early induction phase of the diet.
Also, most dieters like following the Atkins approach. Watching carb levels is all that's required , and the foods you are allowed to eat with Atkins, like hamburgers, steaks, and rich foods are enjoyab le to many people.
Negative comments, though, may include the fact that the body may respond poorly in the early days. You may feel overtired, stressed. Some may even have a headache.
Studies are still being evaluated, but many suggest that this diet lowers blood sugar, triglycerides, cholesterol and saturated fat levels, helping heart health.
Dr. Atkins believed that nearly all obesity is caused by overactive insulin production and not by overeating. He believed that overeating could be caused by carbohydrate addiction and that most overweight people actually ate less than their slim counterparts.
However, they crave and eat carbohydrate, which raises their insulin levels and suppresses fat burning. He also recommends the use of dietary supplements to help balance nutrition and the bodies systems.
The Atkins Diet has four stages: the Induction diet, the Ongoing Weight Loss diet, the Pre-Maintenance diet, and finally the Lifetime Maintenance diet. The Induction diet is very strict as far as carb elimination (20 grams or less per day), but generous in the allowance of fat and protein. Low starch vegetables are the recommended source of carbs.
This phase of the diet lasts 14 days and is followed by the Ongoing Weight Loss diet (OWL). The OWL phase allows for the reintroduction of certain good carbs but the levels are kept below 40 grams a day. Dieters stay on OWL until they reach their ideal weight.
Once the ideal weight is reached dieters transition into the Pre-Maintenance diet, where they experiment with reintroducing certain good carbs until they discover the total carb grams they can consume in a
day and still not gain weight.
Here is a tip for success with all low carb dieting:
Start your diet with a daily food diary, record everything you eat, what you were doing at the
time, and how you felt. That tells y ou about your temptations, the emotional states that cause you to snack and may help you lose once you see how much you eat. It is good to keep detailed records, in order to guarantee your success.
Often people go off low-carb diets, even those that help you lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, because they lack good recipes. It's too boring. Get good recipes!
Low Carb Free Recipe - Just For You!
When you're dieting, Identifying relevant sources of information on a variety of low carb free recipe can be a very difficult undertaking.
You'll most likely find that accessing a list of low carb food, will necessitate your having to join one of the many on-line low carb dieting programs, for which you will undoubtedly have to pay. Or that you have to spend money in another way to get at the low carb free recipe information you need. If you're embarking on a do-it-yourself weight loss program then this option will obviously not be to your advantage, especially if funds are tight.
But what if you could get your hands on an extensive list of low carb food and a low carb free recipe collection that set out all the information you could possibly need, at no cost to you? More on that later! For now though, lets consider some of the specifics in relation to eating healthy on low carb food diets.
The atkins diet is probably the most popular and well- known low carb food diet of all time. This model of carb low food dieting will provide you with a good grounding in carb low diets. You'll find more on the atkins diet and how to go about achieving your weight loss goals, by clicking on the link below.
Before committing yourself to a diet based on low carb food, you might be interested in learning about the
concerns that have been highlighted in relation to low carb food diets and in particular, the atkins diet risks.Do remember, before you rush into acquiring that all- important list of low carb free recipe, that knowledge is one of the key ingredients to your success with your weightloss goals. Work on your development skills by ensuring you gain all the information you need, prior to making a start. For example, you might want to learn more about the atkins diet risk and the implications for you personally. That way, any decision you make - will be an informed one, making your success all the more assured.
Don't decide on a carb low diet just because there's a promise of a list of low carb free recipe, or because your friends are doing it, or even because it seems to be the 'in thing'. You must ensure that your choice is a healthy one for you and that all your nutrition needs are going to be adequately met. You will also need to carefully Weigh up the pro's and con's, for instance:
How practical will it be to follow a diet based on your newly acquired list of low carb free recipe or free atkins recipe?
How easy or difficult will it be for you to eat these types of low carb foods at your place of work?
What impact will following a low carb free recipe diet make on the rest of the family?
How do you feel about the prospect of having to give that little bit more attention to your needs at meal- times or even preparing your own meals in addition to those for the rest of the family?
What time c onstraints have you identified? For instance, if you work long hours - how would this issue be resolved, should you decide on using the low carb free recipe list?
What additional health food vitamins will you need to take to supplement your diet, should you decide on following a low carb diet?
Where and from whom will you get expert advice on your proposed change to your diet, prior to starting?
How will you know that following the low carb free recipe list is a healthy eating option for you?
It is all too easy to jump into a new situation without doing your homework. However, you must ensure you fully research any diet that calls for changes in what you eat and in the way you eat. With knowledge, you can ensure your healthy eating, nutrition and your correct intake of food health vitamins.
You can find out how to access your low carb free recipe list by clicking on the link below. In the meantime, stay knowledgeable! Stay healthy!
"There is very little difference between one who cannot read and one who will not read" (Jim Rohn)