La Weight Loss Recipes


These days fad diets are common, we often forget about the term “calorie”. The bottom line is cutting calories means losing weight.

“I’m going on a diet,” you announce.

This probably would mean you signed up for LA Weight loss, Jenny Craig, or Weight Watchers. or, maybe decide to try Atkins diet, a low fat diet, or another method guaranteed to help you shed pounds and achieve that perfect figure. With all the modern trends in dieting, many people have totally forgotten about the idea of cutting calories to lose weight.

People seem to forget about the calories and follow new, innovative paths toward weight loss. However, people need to recognize that, no matter what diet plan you follow, it is indisputable that you need to decrease calories to lose weight.

A calorie is actually the measurement of the energy you derive from the food you eat. Although people will claim that losing weight on a low carbohydrate or a low fat diet is the only way to go, the bottom line is that calories do not come in different varieties. The energy you get from a calorie in a piece of banana is the same type of energy as a calorie taken from a piece of fish. The best way to achieve that dream figure is simply by cutting calories to lose weight. Click here for info

Most people do not like to cut their calories to lose weight. “I’ve already tried that,” some people argue, “and I’m tired of being hungry all the time.”

What if I told you that you could cut calories to lose weight without being hungry? Before you reject this suggestion as a sales pitch for the latest diet pill, stop and pay attention to what you’re reading. I’m not talking about a diet pill. Most diet pills are not safe. I’m talking about cutting calories to lose weight the healthy way. Click here fo info

Maybe you haven’t yet heard about Hoodia Gordonii. This cactus type plant is literally transforming the weight loss industry. Kalahari Desert Bushmen used this for centuries to ward off hunger while on long desert expeditions. Featured on top programs such as the Today show and 60 Minutes, this vegetable is safe, and it aids you in cutting calories to lose weight by diminishing your appetite by up to 2000 calories a day. You’ll feel great and be on your way to looking great.

If you’re still not convinced that cutting calories to lose weight is the best method, look at the facts. To lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you consume. Wouldn’t it make sense that by eating less, you would actually lose weight? The best part is that you can do this while feeling healthy. Hoodia Gordonii isn’t a drug, so it doesn’t carry the side effects of other so called diet supplements. You won’t feel jittery, nervous, or overheated. Losing weight no longer has to be a stressful, uncomfortable process. It really does pay to accomplish your weight loss goals in a way that is safe and healthy. You will love the “new you”.

Don't Ruin Your Diet By Making These Dieting Mistakes

There you were happily reaching your goals in weight loss and then there it was, the weight had started to return. You likely are thinking to yourself, how in the world did that happen? You may not even realize it, but even the slightest violation when on a diet can bring the weight scurrying back. It is important, while dieting, that you are extremely careful.

The next few tips will help you remember what you should not be doing while you are dieting.

Take it easy on yourself. Diet mishaps happen, mistakes happen, sometimes we miss certain foods so much, and we may start eating them again. This could result in bring some of the lost weight back. It is important that you refrain from beating yourself up over it. Even if you make a mistake, get yourself back on the right track and continue on with the diet as if nothing happened.

Do not allow yourself to diet with an alternative. With many diets, you have to give up the foods you typically love such as pizza, French fries, fried chicken, chips, cheesecake, and ice cream. As hard as it is to give up these things, you should take comfort that you can find alternatives to these food. Even though society has raised us to believe that vegetables, fruit, or any healthy low fat foods are not enjoyable. This is not true, even those foods listed above, have fat reduced versions now days.

Always have support! This is an important aspect of any diet. Without support, it is extremely hard to begin and keep with any diet plan. Your loved ones should be there to offer you support while you are dieting. Furthermore, thee are a great many weight loss counselors, meetings, and forum groups that can help you along in your journey.

What is great about weight loss groups is that they have been right where you are in your journey to weight loss, so they can offer some unique advice and insight. For example, they can give you ideas about new and exciting ideas for exercising or w ith recipes for eating healthy, as well.

Finally, do not give up! When you give into the nagging craving for your favorite foods, you are taking yourself a little further from your weight loss goals each time. Being on a diet does not mean you need to have tasteless foods, but it does mean you need to steer clear from high fat and high calorie foods. Opt for the alternatives instead of the sure to bring your weight back foods.

A Look at Atkins Owl Phase

The second phase of the Atkins diet is called Ongoing Weight Loss or OWL. After the rapid weight loss of the 2-week Induction phase, you'll be slowing your weight loss down just a bit. You'll add in specific carbohydrates that will make your diet a little easier and your weight loss just a bit slower. However, you will continue to lose weight at a steady even pace with ease.

During the OWL phase you will boost your body's ability to burn fats. Although you'll be adding carbohydrates slowly, you'll still remain in the state of ketosis. You will continue to use your excess fat as fuel for your body, and the pounds and inches will continue to come off.

The OWL phase will also teach you to make better carbohydrate choices. The recipes and guidelines for OWL will increase your knowledge about nutritious food. You'll replace the poor carbohydrate choices that you relied on in the past with new and better choices.

You'll also learn how many car bohydrates you can consume and still lose weight. The process of the OWL phase is an experiment in what your specific body does with carbs. During the OWL phase, you'll gradually increase your daily carb intake from the 20-gram level that you used in induction. Each week you'll try adding another 5 grams of carbs and then take note of what happens. When weight loss slows too much, you'll know that you've exceeded your personal carb limit.

OWL also prepares you for your permanent weight management program (called maintenance). The habits and practices that you develop during OWL will go a long way toward your long-term success. Treat this period of your diet as training for the real "test" - your post diet life.

During the OWL phase, you'll still be getting most of your carbohydrates from vegetables (just as you do during Induction). It's important to continue to eat a wide variety of vegetables, as they are good for your overall health and good for ma intaining intestinal health during the Atkins diet. You will be able to add more portions of vegetables, and then gradually be able to add nuts, seeds and even berries. However, the main focus of the diet will still be protein.

In a way, the Induction phase is easier than any of the other phases of Atkins. The strict plan always works and always produces weight loss. As you enter the OWL phases, you'll need to be more mindful of your carbohydrate count and keep better track of your weight. You'll have more choice and that may lead to more temptations, which could result in a stalling of your weight loss or even weight gain.

Counting carbohydrate grams is critical in your OWL success. If you don't count, you will end up consuming more carbohydrates than you should. However, there are many tools available that can help you with counting. There are several handy, portable books that will tell you the number of grams of carbohydrates in certain foods. Ove r time, you'll know the "carb count" for your favorite foods instantly.

Counting carbs is also essential during the OWL phase because you are playing detective. You are investigating to find your personal carb count, the amount of carbohydrate grams that you can eat daily and still lose weight. During the first week of OWL, you'll move from 20 carbohydrate grams to 25. It is recommended that you add this in the form of more vegetables, like asparagus or cauliflower. You'll continue at the 25-gram level for a week, and then move up to 30 grams a day.

As you increase your carbohydrate gram level, watch your weight closely. If you experience too much of a slowdown, you know you've gone too high. You'll find your maximum carbohydrate gram level when you stop losing weight at all. When this happens, you'll know you've reached your limit. Once you discover your personal carb count, drop down below that number if you want to continue losing weight.

How to Shop for an All Carb Diet

When you start the Atkins diet, you are entering a new world of eating. And nowhere is that more apparent than at the supermarket. Suddenly, all of your stand-by foods like macaroni and cheese, pasta and bread are no longer on your shopping list. When you go shopping for the first few times you may feel like a fish out of water. However, with a bit of practice you'll feel just as comfortable as you were with your previous shopping lists.

Successful Atkins shopping starts before you reach the store. There are many resources for shopping lists online and in Atkins books. Before you head for the store, make a list of the week's recipes and then decide what you'll need to make each meal. Make sure to purchase low-carb snacks for in between meals.

Also, plan for modifications to the meals for other people in your home. You won't be able to make totally different meals for yourself and your family for the long term. The best approach is to use the main me at dish for your meal for the entire family and then a carbohydrate side dish for your family. For example, if you are eating meatloaf you can add half a potato for the other members of your family.

Once you've made your meal plan for the week, its time to hit the store. When you arrive, buy your protein items and produce first. This may sound very simple and like it won't make much difference, but it will. Once you've filled your cart with all of the acceptable foods, there won't be room for much more.

Consider buying your meat in bulk. This will save you lots of money if you know where to get family sized packages of meat. When you buy meat in large quantities, you can also cook it in bulk as well. Taking time a few days per week to cook meat makes it simple to follow the Atkins plan. You can cook your meat before hand and have it ready to go when you need it. You can purchase ground beef, chicken pieces, small steaks and even seafood in bulk.

Cheese, if you can tolerate it, can also be purchased in bulk. Many stores offer store-brand cheese in large bricks. You'll need to make sure to read the labels before you purchase any cheese. Make sure that when you eat cheese to eat some fiber (salad or raw veggies) as well. Having large blocks of your favorite cheeses on hand can make it easy to grab a quick snack between meals.

As you walk around the store, stick to the outer edges. The outer aisles have the freshest food. Think about your neighborhood grocery store. Most often the deli, the meat counter and the produce section are all along the sides of the store with the packaged items in the aisles. This is especially important if you are in the initial phases of the Atkins diet. You'll want to stay away from all packaged foods during induction, even if they are low carb packaged foods. Once you add more carbohydrate grams to your daily limit, you can start to experiment with low-carb packaged foods .

That leads to the next important tip - read the labels! Just because an item says it is low carb, it may have hidden sugars. Do your investigative work at the grocery store so you won't get home with products that cause you to gain weight. Shopping for the Atkins diet will take some time to get used to. You'll be navigating parts of the grocery store that you may not be familiar with. You'll also be purchasing items you've never cooked before. However, with planning and dedication low carb shopping will become easier. Just remember to make a list before you visit the store and stay toward the outer aisles of the grocery store. In no time, you'll be an experienced low carb shopper.

Weight Loss, Exercise And Diet Plus Chocolate Cake

I have read about many theories on weight loss, exercise and diet, and understand the theories of the Atkin's Diet, grapefruit diets and calorie controlled diets. I have read about them all. But which of them actually work? That is the 64,000 dollar question with a very simple answer.

All or none! You can eat chocolate cake if you work it off next day! Whatever diet you use, there is one very simple equation that is ruled by science; by the biochemistry of our bodies. If energy in is greater than energy out, you have an excess of energy. If energy in is less than energy out, you have a deficit of energy. In common parlance, you can equate energy in with calories eaten and energy out with calories used up. An excess of energy is stored either as fat or as glycogen in the liver, and a deficit of energy equates with weight loss.

This equation is a law of physics, as Scottie of Star Trek would say, or a law of biochemistry. It cannot be broken, no mat ter what diet you are on. Some foods can increase the metabolic rate, which is the energy used by the body when at rest, such as for breathing, blood circulation, thinking and the 1001 other things that the body does, even while you are asleep. If you wake up in the night feeling very hot and sweating, that is your body burning excess calories. A high metabolic rate is why some people seem to be able to eat everything without putting on a pound.

Most fat is stored under the skin, and that is the fat is normally lost first when you exercise. However, other fat can be stored round the abdomen and major organs such as the heart and liver. That fat is the most dangerous. It is difficult to shift, and can place great strain on the major organs. That is why abdominal fat is considered to medically undesirable, and is considered to have a greater effect on your health than fat elsewhere in your body.

The only way to lose weight is not to try a fad diet, bu t to take in fewer calories than you use up. It is simple math. 1000 calories in, 1001 calories used, then you lose weight. Simple. Better to have 1000 calories in and 2000 used, but that is beside the point. The message is that Atkins will not work if you eat more calories than you use. The theory is that a low carbohydrate diet increases your metabolic rate. So equal calories taken by Atkins and a high carb diet, means that Atkins loses more weight due to a higher metabolism. Atkins fails when too much fat is eaten and not enough exercise is taken because the subject relies on the diet and fails to exercise. That is a recipe for disaster with any diet, Atkins or not.

It is unbelievable how many people, some claiming to be expert dieticians, refuse to accept the concept of calories. Calories are fact, not a concept, and are popularly used as a measure of energy intake. It doesn't really matter whether you use calories or any other units, anybody that does not a ccept their relevance in diet are nuts.

To repeat, and to put it in a nutshell, energy absorbed must be less than energy expended if you are to lose weight. The best way to lose energy is exercise. The more exercise you do, the more weight you lose, as long as you eat less energy that you are using. Where you lose the weight depends on what parts of the body are being exercised. If you have fat thighs, you won't lose thigh fat if you exercise your arms. You will end up with skinny arms and thunder thighs.

If you carry out a structured exercise campaign designed to trim your whole body that is combined with a good diet regime, then weight loss, exercise and diet will work for you as science dictates that it must. Science is fact, not opinion.

Exercise and diet can work together. Learn how to combine them in a productive way and you will lose weight a lot easier than you could have believed. No more diet fads. You can eat anything you wan t, in any amount you want, as long as you exercise to work off what you eat. A tub of ice cream is fine if you are prepared to do an hour on the treadmill next day. So don't think that losing weight means the end of the chocolate cake - it needn't. It is all a matter of balance.

5-factor Diet - Give This Weight Loss Program 5 Stars

5-Factor Diet creator promotes lean protein, whole fruits and vegetables, so you'll get all the necessary nutrients. Protein, low-to-moderate glycemic carbohydrates, fuel, healthy fats, and sugar-free beverages are all included in the diet. At specified times during the day, you can stop what you're doing and have one of your five daily meals. Pasternak recommends stocking with lean proteins like chicken, egg whites, fish, cottage cheese, lean beef and fat-free milk.

The 5-factor diet was initially created for celebrities. Harley has now taken his star-approved diet and turned it into an interactive and tailored online program. The plan is designed to give you results in five weeks, and you eat five meals per day. Each meal has five ingredients and takes five minutes to prepare. The plan also includes 25-minute workouts, and you get to cheat five times during the five weeks that the plan takes to work.

Expert opinions differ on the value of the progr am. Weight control psychologist Abby Aronowitz, PhD, director of says, "I don't see any real science behind the 5-factor diet - no studies to show it works, plus it doesn't seem to address a major problem linked to obesity, which is emotional overeating." On the other hand, others see it as a refreshingly sound and wholesome approach to weight loss, one that can help dieters contain their cravings and lose extra pounds.

The 5-factor diet has been growing in popularity - due to famous people like Jessica Simpson and John Mayer using the plan. First published in 2004, this fitness program has five criteria for diet - at each meal:
1. Low-fat quality protein
2. Low- to moderate-glycemic index carbohydrate
3. Fiber
4. Healthy fat
5. Sugar-free beverage

The super-sized 5-factor diet book is an expansion of the dieting section of Harley's 2004 book, 5-Factor Fitness. The 5-Factor Diet book has over 40 p ages of recipes for sample meals. The diet is based on five principles:
1. Eat 5 meals daily
2. Follow the 5 criteria for each meal
3. Spend 5 minutes in preparation for each meal, using only 5 ingredients
4. Workout 25 minutes 5 days a week for five weeks
5. Indulge in a weekly cheat day

The in-demand author, whose patrons' testimonials are dotted all through the book, never fails to sound positive, so even if daily rounds of five-factor strength-training sound intimidating, his energy will help give readers courage: "Don't worry, my plan is the easiest, most effective exercise program you'll ever use." Though it might help to have the schedule of a Hollywood celebrity - getting in five meals a day presents its own challenges for busy nine-to-fivers - his exercise plan is very short, the diet itself is flexible, and it doesn't entail giving up any foods.

If you've ever dreamed of having the well-cared-for body of a cel ebrity, the 5-factor diet is your chance. The diet makes it possible for you to eat healthier, exercise and noticeably shape up in between meetings, soccer games, chores and much-needed sleep. As a 5-Factor member, you'll enjoy access to several essential tools to ensure your success, including meal planners, recipe box, activity journal, recipes, weight tracker and message board to help you stay connected to other people using the plan. You can start your membership online for as little as $65 per 13 weeks.

Getting Reading for Atkins

When it comes to the Atkins diet, your success will lie in your planning. Making sure you have the proper foods on hand when you begin your diet will go a long way toward your ongoing weight loss. There are many suggestions for Atkins diet meals in the Atkins books, and there are plenty of resources online for Atkins and low-carb recipes.

Planning your meals and snacks will be an important part of your life when you are on this diet. That advice really goes for any diet. When you eat whatever you like, you gain weight. Your current weight and health problems are a direct result of letting your eating habits go unchecked for so long.

As with all diet plans, becoming used to the Atkins way of eating is going to take some time and adjustment. The standard American diet relies heavily on carbohydrates and other restricted foods. Many people grew up on carbohydrate heavy favorites like spaghetti and meatballs, meat and potatoes and pasta casserole. It is going to take some effort and patience to get used to eating in an entirely new way.

There are two different approaches you can take in adjusting your diet. You can find replacements for your favorite foods with "mock" carbohydrates. For example, lasagna made with eggplant or zucchini instead of pasta is much more carb-friendly than the regular variety. Spaghetti squash noodles make a good substitute for spaghetti noodles. There are also many low-carb or carb-free replacements for bread, pasta and sugar products.

The second approach is to find out how to make new recipes that center around meats and other low-carb foods. There are a wide variety of meats that are acceptable on the Atkins plan. If you are used to just eating ground beef or chicken on a weekly basis, you'll be surprised by the variety of meats that are out there. Try incorporating pork, lamb and ham into your weekly routine. You can also experiment with game fowl like Cornish hen, quai l and pheasant. If you've never been a fan of fish, try a different variety. Some people who don't like trout find they have a love of salmon or another fish. Don't forget shellfish like mussels, clams and shrimp. These foods are all acceptable and can add variety to your diet.

Make sure to have some easy to prepare foods on hand for snacks and quick meals. For example, thin sliced cucumbers, radishes and celery mixed with lemon mayonnaise makes a great low-carb meal or dinner salad. Fried peppers, mushrooms and garlic served on arugula with feta cheese is another good option.

Research and try out different low-carb recipes so you have a good base of knowledge of what to prepare for meals. The most important step you can take in losing weight is planning. Getting a good arsenal of easy to prepare meals will prevent you from hitting the drive through or going to a restaurant and breaking your diet.

If you have delicious food to look forward to everyday, you'll be less bored with your diet. Even during the restrictive induction phase, there are many food combinations that you can use. At first glance, the vegetable and meat options may seem restrictive. But this is only in comparison to what you have been used to eating. With a little planning and creativity, you can find something interesting to eat everyday.

Deits|fat Loss Diets|weight Loss

Jenny Craig offers you flexible weight loss programs
To help you achieve your goals with a sensible weight loss diet plan, balanced nutrition, and weight loss product that fits your lifestyle. No more fad diets or low carb gimmicks.
You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau).You can never get slim by starving yourself.
With Jenny, you reach and maintain your weight loss goal safely. It's a proven balanced nutrition plan based on a healthy relationship with food, an active lifestyle and a balanced approach to living. Weight Loss Article

This website covers all diet and fat loss questio ns, including:
how to reduce weight, how to burn body fat, how fast to lose weight, how to solve a weight loss plateau how to reduce fat on thighs, what is overweight and obesity, how to lower cholesterol, how to raise metabolism, how to cut calories, how to control weight uring/after pregnancy or during menopause are diet pills safe, what's involved in gastric bypass or other types of bariatric weight loss surgery, diet nutrition and hundreds more. Also included are reviews of diets like Atkins Diet, South Beach and all popular fad diets. See also facts on fat loss supplements, patches, recipes for rapid weight loss, clinics & obesity support groups.
It's a highly successful weight loss program that has already helped thousands of women, men and youngsters to lose weight, including many with serious, long term weight problems.

How to Lose Weight with Low Carb Diet?

Present century is known across the world for the universal charm for slim trim and sexy figure, to attain such a figure concept like low crab diet appeared to the picture.  Diverse diet programs have been introduced across the globe aimed to attain such figure. One of the most sought diet plans is the low-carbohydrate diet program, which concentrates on the reduction of carbohydrate consumption in the body.

According low carb diet theory to attain weight loss, when carbohydrates are no longer being taken in, the body will be forced to use fats and water as alternative sources of energy; thereby helping to reduce overloading unwanted pounds. Fats, known to many, can actually be converted to energy. The body just doesn't use it as the first priority because it is more complex in s tructure and therefore, harder to break down and convert into energy. Among the popular low carbohydrate diets in the across the globe is the Atkins diet.

Now it's a universal fact that low carbohydrate diet has proven its effectiveness in terms of losing that extra weight. To date, it counts millions of followers not only in the European countries but also across the world.

Cutting down on carbohydrates in the diet is a universal practice that most of the people have been doing for years. When weight loss lovers across the globe cut down on their rice or bread or do not eat rice at all, they are reducing their carbohydrate intake. Of course, because it is not an official diet plan they are not really restricting themselves completely. When you are under a diet plan, you are not allowed to eat any kind of carbohydrates. One of the proven advantages of low carbohydrate diet is the fact that it can increase the levels of cholesterol in the body. This is really good news to people who have a heart problem. This diet plan can also reduce the amount of triglycerides in the body.

Low carb diet plans are also found to be good in balancing daily activities as per the hectic life. In below lines going to reveal the reasons why low crab diet become is followed to attain desired weight loss aimed for a sexy figure to impress all around you.

Advantages of Low Carb Diet in Weight Loss Dreams:

1. Faster and quicker weight loss compared to fasting.

2. The diet may result to higher protein intake and absorption.

3. It stabilizes blood sugar levels and is extremely beneficial to those who suffer from diabetics.

Follow the colors of low crab diets for weight loss that ensures for a pers onality that is crafted to impress others.

World Famous Diet Plans - What You Need to Know



World Famous Diet Plans and their devotes have graced the covers of magazines newspapers and T.V, for generations. Sadly, it is the eternal quest for perfection rather than good health that draws the attention of the population.

While there is always preoccupation for a new perfect diet plan, it seems true,

as long as a plan is chosen that one can live with in moderation after the

initial weight loss. You can at least improve their self image. At the end of

this article, I am going to reveal an exciting new development in the diet world

that you can check out today!

First, let's look at some of the diet plans you know. Undoubtedly at the top of the list of world famous diet plans is Weight Watchers. Millions of men andwomen flock to weekly meetings where they are instructed on how to take off their excess pounds in a healthy and fun way. They are recognized and applauded for their acc omplishments and share recipes and other diet tips.

The organization teaches a point system that actually allows them to budget their appropriate daily intake of food,. There is Another world famous diet plan the Atkins Diet.

The Atkins Die plan promotes weight loss through the limiting of carbohydrates in one's daily eating regimen. Individuals are permitted to pretty much consume as much as they desire, provided they limit themselves to low or no carbs. This diet was long debated as harmful to those with high cholesterol and many abandoned it as a result of warnings from their physicians and peers. Which ever means one chooses to lose weight, the successes will be short-lived if the plan cannot be adapted to a lifestyle. When picking an eating plan one must really consider what they like to eat.

If these foods cannot be incorporated into the plan in moderation, thenfailure will soon follow. The choices are out there if one wants to investigate a diet that will be a good fit for a lifetime. Many folks out there are publicly willing to share their secrets for success and encourage you to get on thebandwagon with their own personal world famous diet plans. What you need to know about world famous diet plans is they are always changing as more scientificevidence surfaces! So in conclusion what you really need to do is find one that works for you and that you can live with after you have reached your goal weight.

If you are ready to check out a diet system that can change the way you think about dieting forever, check out this unique program at our website for more information

A Successful Weight-Loss Diet Starts With Healthy Recipes 05

Most dieticians recommend a much fresh gradual reduction. These studies opine presently to steward replicated on human beings but frigid calorie restriction is believed to improve memory in human beings. It also raises insulin levels also reduces age-related inflammation that contributes to the degeneration of tissue. Or perhaps you're diabetic and our diet needs special attention.

Special recipes associated with calorie restrictive diets need to include oils, nuts, bite and dairy products.

Restrictive Diets One category of specific recipes is restrictive diets. These diets and individualistic recipes need to be observed in that short periods of time besides require you to see about a doctor.

People suffering from these conditions are either intolerant to considered foods or lust some nutrients in excess of usual quantities. According to these researchers, a no-crab diet lowers extract insulin and therefore slow tumor growth.
These special recipes can help with people who have food allergies, serious heart problems or osteoporosis. Restrictive diets again special recipes associated not tell them are highly controversial because they urge sudden and fine deprivation of certain nutrients to the body.

This cordial of restrictive eats is recommended for people whose insulin levels are avenue above normal or being diabetic patients who eagerness to livelihood their blood kiss in check. Studies on animals have shown that a crab-restrictive diet may lower the stake of prostate cancer, which is common in men. Perhaps the emphatically popular restrictive diet is one that drastically reduces or like eliminates your calorific intake.

Low-Crab Recipes Restrictive diets besides special recipes associated with them sit on carbohydrate restriction according to as the Atkins Diet. These are of two types. Special Recipes for especial Health Needs Is your edible a tactics for healthy living?

These vitamins will fat forasmuch as that they can reproduce absorbed. Low-crab or no-crab diets are repeatedly associated not tell insulin and the body's relationship with it. They are usually recommended by some dieticians for sudden and drastic weight-loss.

These and many other reasons require special recipes, ways to prepare meals that are not as par for the course. One type is a wallop course that some nutritionists develop for severe weight-loss and the help is a milder turn latitude foods are juggled to meet nutritional requirements for disorder besides ill-health.

Low-Cal Recipes Research has shown that calorie ascendancy increases longevity domination animal species. But when body is starved of calories, actual needs to be fed essential nutrients, especially fat-soluble vitamins.

Heart Disease

For a one as well as affection disease, proper nutrition is essential to managing symptoms and preven ting extra complications. Not no more than can proper diet help brake the artery-clogging process, but when combined along with alert lifestyle modification, it may even stop or opposite the thinning of arteries.

For caregivers and their loved ones through tenderness disease, adopting a heart-healthy diet can facilitate bring down total and LDL cholesterol, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and reduce body weight. While most relating to diet plans specify come again? Humbug be eaten, the most powerful nutrition strategy helps people plus tenderness disease focus on I'm sorry? They CAN eat. In fact, mind disease investigation has made known that adding heart-saving foods is merely as important as cutting put money on others.


Forget the brainstorm of the "diabetic diet" -- a restrictive regime to facilitate puts guaranteed foods strictly off-limits. The healthiest diet for people amid enter 2 diabetes is the unaffected die t that's paramount for everyone else.

That means intake a widespread make of foods, and including items beginning all the major food groups represented on the chow Pyramid -- protein, dairy, grains, and fruits and vegetables -- each day. It means surveillance your portion sizes. It process in receipt of as much as necessary fiber, and avoiding an overload of fat, salt, alcohol, and sugar. (Yes, you can arrange dessert -- in moderation, and with a little planning!)

3 Diabetic Dieting Strategies to Losing Weight

Many people suffering from diabetes are told that they need to lose weight; however losing weight for most people is not as easy as you may think. Losing weight does not just mean cutting out all of that rubbish that you had eaten, especially when you're diabetic because most of that rubbish you had eaten should already have been cut out with your diet plan. Perhaps you do not have a diet plan which brings me on nicely to the first way to lose weight if your diabetic.

Create a diabetic diet plan

Everyone who is diabetic has to watch what they eat some more than others, whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes it is something we all have to do. So why not take this a step further instead of just reading the back labels of your microwave meals and cans of beans, prepare your own meals cook them up from scratch. Sure this may sound hard but really it is not, now I may be able to say this because before I had diabetes I was already cooking my own meals daily but even if I were not the meals I do cook are really simple and easy. There are plenty of eBooks and informational guides out there with some real treasured recipes for diabetics to cook with some tasty desserts, they are on my website. It's all about measuring the quantities and cooking with that measurement in mind.

By creating your own diabetic diet plan you have full control over the ingredients you add and obviously this is a massive bonus as this can affect your cholesterol blood pressure and your weight which can have large adverse affects on your diabetes.

When creating your diet plan keep in mind measurements of each ingredient write it all down and mix them up a little, you don't want to be eating the same food every day believe me that gets very boring (I had to eat porridge for 2 years 3 times a day).

Atkins diabetic diet

The Atkins diabetic diet is part of the large series of Atkins diets. The Atkins diabetic d iet allows three different levels of meal plans, starting with 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, then going to 40 carbohydrates per day then ending at 60 grams of carbohydrates per day. However the authors of the Atkins books do advise people to customise the diet plans to suite themselves as obviously everyone is different.


If you're diabetic like anyone else exercise can be a great way of losing weight however it should be discussed with your doctor first and carefully measured. I cannot make this any clearer, exercise can affect your diet and your blood levels severely if not measured and can have major impacts on your health and diabetes. However don't let this put you of exercising. If you are careful and plan out a routine where you can measure the amount of calories you burn from doing the exercise you can ensure that you do not put your self in any risks. Also be sure to research what types of exercise have different affects on your body and blood levels as some exercise can have immediate affects on your blood sugar levels where as others may take a couple of hours to take affect.

How Can Low Carbohydrates Diets Help You Lose Weight And Get Healthy?

Proponents of low- Carbohydrates diets say that lower levels of carbohydrates lowers the body's blood sugar or glucose
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A contradiction in terms? Did you know that you can reduce the amount of sugar most recipe books recommend by as much as a quarter without taking away from the taste? Proponents of low- Carbohydrates diets say that lower levels of carbohydrates lowers the body's blood sugar or glucose. Except for vodka and whisky, other kinds of alcohol are high on carbohydrates.

Another option is to replace your bottle of regular cooking oil with - you guessed it - olive oil. There's got to be reason why those ingenious chefs on most cookery shows pour olive oil so liberally while tossing salads and cooking meat and salmon, right? Low- Carbohydrate baking substitutes your regular carbohydrate-rich flour with whole-wheat flour or soy flour. Not quite. No matter what weight-loss program you opt for, there's an adage that goes: it's all in the food you eat.

Alcohol before meals

Substitute, say, a quarter of the flour with these low-Carbohydrate kinds of flour so that the nutty flavor the latter bring is minimized. That's why beer is a definite no-no! OK, you're probably wondering whether you can sip a glass or two of alcohol before meals. Foods that are rich in carbohydrates are rich in starch and sugar.

Of course you can, unless you're on a low-Carbohydrate diet! Moreover, critics of low-Carbohydrate diets say that though such diets do tend to show immediate weight loss, the effect is not lasting - they do not alter the body's metabolism over time. Apart from the fact that the Atkins Diet allows for the low-carber a free rein over meats and eggs - which tends to raise cholesterol levels - it doesn't seem to work for everyone.

Low-Carbohydrate snacks or junk food tends to pump the body with empty calories, depriving it of healthy nutritional elements such as fiber, fruit and grain. But first, let's take a look at what lies behind this belief. This rather extreme suggestion was born of the belief that some overweight people suffer from "hyperinsulinism", or a condition where the body produces excess insulin when they eat carbohydrates.

And yeast consumes vast quantities of carbohydrates. Many weight-watchers and health buffs believe that a low-Carbohydrate diet is not just healthy but is a good way to lose weight. Sugar is another baker's delight.

No wonder the cook books are laden with low-Carbohydrate recipes. As a result, low- Carbohydrate diets substitute carbohydrates with fats and proteins. Let's translate this into actual food. This has the dual effect of controlling food cravings as well as forcing the body to burn up fat stored in the body for use as fuel for energy.

Low- Carbohydrate Recipes

Hence, since low- Carbohydrate diets - those that contribute 10 per cent t o one's overall calorific intake - necessarily mean that fat reserved are used up, a high-fat diet is also recommended. The popularity of the low- Carbohydrate diet can be attributed to Dr Robert Atkins, a nutritionist who suggested that one consume only 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. So let's take a look at some low- Carbohydrate recipes that can still make your mouth water.

That is, at least 60 per cent of their calories from fatty foods, except of course, saturated fats. Flour is a staple of all confectionary lovers. That's because alcohol is fermented using yeast. And if that still sounds yummy, it's no wonder low- Carbohydrate diets have been nicknamed luxury diets! This causes the body to store excess fats, which in turn causes it to crave for more cab stand you don't have to compromise on taste.

Healthy Low- Carbohydrate foods

These include rice, pasta, bread, starchy vegetables such as corn and potato while proteins are consid ered low- Carbohydrate foods such as meat, cheese, butter, eggs and soy beans. Olive oil is high in antioxidants and it has other healthy properties as well.

That notion too deserves a slap on the wrist for there really are no free lunches for the low- Carbohydrate weight-watcher. But do not despair. So why not reach for some low- Carbohydrate junk food instead?

So the next time someone suggests a low- Carbohydrate recipe, don't count on it! While they are not entirely wrong, the theory must be approached with caution.

How to Diet With Low Carbohydrate Recipes and Stick to It

Visit a dietician and determine the best way to get you started on your low-carbohydrate recipe plan. Only make sure you get one to two ounces of fruit every day. They are one of the basic building blocks of an essential diet - carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fiber.

Low-carbohydrate recipes basically reduce or curb the intake of sugars and starch, which means little or no white flour, white rice and potatoes. Getting started before following low-carbohydrate recipes, you might want to think about how you will approach your new plan. Cashews, almonds, pistachios and walnuts are great options. What foods contain carbohydrates? Animal products are protein-rich and low in carbohydrates.

Choosing low-carbohydrate recipes

Here are some basic carbohydrate facts you need to know before choosing low-carbohydrate recipes to follow. Carbohydrates are an essential element of your diet that you simply can't do without. More specifically, carbohy drates are classified into complex carbohydrate or starch and simple carbohydrates or sugars that your body uses as sources of fuel. That's called a carbohydrate crash.

Many individuals armed with a dirt plan include low-carbohydrate recipes that will help them shed weight. Why, you could even eat tomatoes and peach. But make sure you choose white meat and lean meat such as chicken and turkey. Plans like the Atkins Diet start by simply cutting out all carbohydrates in the first week or so. There is no limit to the amount of vegetable you can eat while on a low-carbohydrate diet.

What Are Carbohydrates?

Should you start slow? Wise choices are blackberries, strawberries and olives. Should you take a drastic plunge? Starch is eventually broken down into sugar before your body burns it as fuel. What you can have are celery, asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower. A further good option of foods in your low-carbohydrate diet is nuts. But exclude starchy vegetables such as corn, carrots and peas. Carbohydrate Substitutes Fruit is a rich source of sugar but there is no reason to eliminate it even from low-carbohydrate recipes.

And what exactly are carbohydrates? In very general terms, low-carbohydrate recipes aim to give you about half the calories you need from carbohydrates as a source. But how do carbohydrates make one put on weight? Carbohydrates are essential for the functioning of the immune system, blood clotting, and general growth.

Sugar is another baker's delight. But do not despair. Did you perceive that you can reduce the amount of sugar most recipe books recommend by as much as a quarter without taking away from the taste?

Another option is to replace your bottle of regular cooking oil lie low - you guessed it - olive oil. There's got to be reason why those ingenious chefs on most cookery shows pour olive oil so liberally day tossing salads and cooking meat and salm on, right? Olive oil is high in antioxidants and it has other healthy properties as well.

The approbation of the low-carb grub encumbrance is attributed to Dr Robert Atkins, a nutritionist who suggested that one stamp out secluded 20 grams of carbohydrates a moment. This reasonably extreme suggestion was born of the belief that some overweight people suffer from "hyperinsulinism", or a condition where the build produces excess insulin when they eat carbohydrates. This causes the body to menu excess fats, which in turn causes it to crave for more carbs.

Apart from the story that the Atkins slop allows for the low-carb a free profligacy now meats and eggs - which tends to raise cholesterol levels - substantive doesn't seem to work for everyone.

Moreover, critics of low-carb diets say that though such diets do tend to punch in immediate weight loss, the effect is not lasting - they do not alter the body's metabolism over time.

So why not dispatch for some low-carb junk mess instead? That bent too deserves a meeting on the wrist for there really are no discharge lunches for the low-carb weight-watcher. Low-carb snacks or debris vittles tends to pump the body veil bleed calories, depriving unaffected of hale nutritional elements related in that fibre, fruit further grain.

The Gregg Diet- It̢۪s the Rub

Every three months my Doctor requires his adult patients to have a blood test and he checks for routine problems and trends. Five months ago at my visit I tipped the scale at 246 pounds. My Doctor said to me: "You have to loose weight!" He is lean and trim so I asked, "How do you keep yourself so trim?" He said: "I skip breakfast, skip lunch and have a steak and a martini every night for dinner". It got me thinking.

My clothes did not fit. I could not wear my favorite shirts. I looked terrible in photographs. The worst thing was that I was in a slow but sure spiral of weight gain that amounted to about 80 pounds since my days in college. The choice was clear: either keep gaining weight or do something about it to reverse the trend.

I am a person with a slow metabolism and a big appetite. As a child I was heavy. In High School and College/Law School because of heavy exercise I was trim for about 15 years. After I gained weight, the onl y two diets that seemed to work were the Drinking Man's Diet and the Dr. Atkins diet. There were two problems with these diets. My Doctor said they were unhealthy and when I deviated from them, the weight just came back on plus more weight like a cherry on the top of a chocolate Sunday.

I found a way to eat as much as I want, not be hungry, loose weight, gain muscle that I call The Gregg Diet. The plan is very simple. Here are the seven rules:

1) Skip one meal per day.
2) Eat as little fat as possible
3) Exercise for at least 45 minutes per day
4) No alcohol allowed
5) Do not cheat on the above four rules more than one day per week
6) Weight yourself every day at approximately the same time of day
7) Stick to it on a permanent basis

In the Gregg Diet you do not count calories. Eat as many vegetables and as much fish as you wish, plus some fruit like bananas, peaches, blueberries, etc. Drink as much water and sugar free liquids as you can. Here are some of the tricks I have learned plus my secret rub.

The rub makes all fish taste better. You can fry it in canola oil, or broil it after you put a little olive oil on the fish then the rub. Plus you can put half a teaspoon in a cup of chicken or vegetable broth, put this in the microwave for 3 minutes and it fills you up like a real meal.

The Rub Recipe: (amounts are approximate and subject to your own tastes)

5% garlic salt
5% smoked salt
5% cumin seed
5% fennel seed
10% paprika
15% hot pepper flakes
55% chili powder- mix several varieties to make it interesting

Salad trick: for the dressing use no oil, balsamic vinegar and add a can of anchovies if you like them.

Snack trick: eat shredded mini-wheat cereal with extra artificial sweetener and add some cinnamon and/or clove powder on the top. No milk.

A hi Tuna trick: cover with rub and fry in smoking hot canola oil for one minute per side per inch thick (i.e. two minutes per side if fish is two inches thick). Remove from heat immediately.

Drink trick: Diet Snapple with extra artificial sweetener

My doctor could not believe it. After the nurse weighted me, he took me back to the scale to verify the weight loss. The best part is I am continuing to loose weight, my blood pressure is down and the statistics on my cholesterol are the best ever.

The bottom line: The Gregg Diet works. The Rub is a wonderful way to spice up your life. You can eat hearty and rich and loose weight at the same time.

Copyright 2007 © Gregg Financial Services

Celebrity Weight Loss - How You Can Use The Diet And Weight Loss Programs Of The Stars

Why is it that celebrities always seem to be thinner, sexier and more beautiful that us? What weight loss secrets do they use to get that way? Is it a diet, a diet pill, Weight Watchers, or what? It seems that if we could only get the inside information on the new celebrity weight loss program or weight loss pill, then we'd be almost guaranteed to experience fast weight loss of our own.

Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, Denise Richards, Janet Jackson, Daryl Hannah, Whitney Houston, Kirstie Alley and many other celebrities have all been in the news lately because of their own personal weight issues. This article looks at what weight loss strategies have worked for these and other celebrities, and how we can apply these same tactics to our own situation.

* Most Celebrities Are Thinner Than Us:

Despite the few celebrity weight loss failures, there's no denying that most celebrities look better than we do. Models, for example, ar e 23 percent leaner than the average (source: Perhaps their trim appearance is part of the reason why we, as a nation, have such a fascination with the celebrity lifestyle.

Indeed, we typically reward and idolize the more slender celebrities. Just a quick look at People Magazine's list of the '50 Most Beautiful People 2005' reveals that only the lean made the list. People's 'Most Beautiful Women of 2005' list reveals the same thing - celebrities (at least the popular ones) are more thin than we are.

Even when we do find a celebrity that doesn't look like a stick figure, invariably we find that they have recently lost some weight. "No longer a crash dieter, Oprah Winfrey.....who at her heaviest was 237 lbs., has been eating right, sticking to lean protein and hitting the gym as she aims for her "safe zone" in the 150-lb. range. "Maybe for the first time, she's doing it for all the right reasons," says trainer Bob Greene of the talk-show queen 's workouts (source:

* How Do They Do It?

Even though celebrities do make diet and nutrition mistakes, the majority of them are still thinner than us. So how do the stars achieve quick weight loss when we battle and fight just to lose a few pounds? Is there some secret weight loss product or weight loss plan they're keeping hidden from us?

The secret is that there is no secret. Celebrities try the same diets we have, including the South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet, the Atkins Diet and countless others. There is no mysterious diet plan or diet product that works for every celebrity all the time, just as there is no such plan that will work for every one of us.

Celebrities that are successful in achieving a healthy weight loss generally do so with a nutritious weight loss diet and regular exercise. Take a look at these examples:

"I think Oprah Winfrey wins the weight battle of 2004 -- she looks fabulous.....Look at her, she's n ever looked better. She's been skinnier -- that's true -- but she's never looked better." "Oprah should set the standard for Hollywood weight loss," Paula says. "She's been very open about it. She's been up, she's been down, she's been wide, she's been skinny." She continues: "She didn't do the surgery and she doesn't really do the fad diets. She eats healthy, she has a personal trainer and she works really hard at it" (source:

Denise Richards put on 30 lbs. while carrying Lola (born June 1), but Richards had a secret weight-loss weapon: "It's called the Stress Diet," she says, half-joking, - and alluding to having filed for divorce (from Charlie Sheen) in her sixth month of pregnancy. But mostly she can thank her work with trainer Garrett Warren: She's been kickboxing and doing abdominal exercises four to six times weekly - and adhering to a portion-controlled diet (source:

"All eyes were on the miraculous weight loss of H ollywood in 2004," Paula says. "But there's no real miracle about it, it's exercise, it's eating right and sometimes -- it's surgery!" (Source:

* Why Does It Work For Them And Not For Us?

It's no surprise that eating the right foods and exercising regularly will help us achieve our ideal weight. So why is it that celebrities seem to have so much more success than we do? There are three reasons why the stars lose weight faster than the average American: 1) Celebrities have more time than we do. 2) Celebrities have more money than we do. 3) Celebrities have a bigger incentive to stay fit and trim.

Although they do work long hours while touring or filming, there's no denying that the stars have more disposable time than we do. When you're rich enough to hire a nanny, a driver, a personal chef and many other assistants to take over the time-consuming tasks of life for you, it's easy to find more time to exercise.

"Singer Jessica Sim pson started a new exercise routine to get in shape for her role as Daisy Duke in the upcoming Dukes of Hazard movie. Her workout includes two HOURS a day of squats and lunges and has motivated her to create a new workout video. "I have a white-girl bootie, so I'm doing all my squats to lift it a little bit and get some junk in my trunk," says Jessica (source:

"Usher's been workin' on his abs since he was 16, but claims that it's all because of good genes.....hard work and being disciplined - oh yeah, and 1,000 CRUNCHES a day. Usher also has a daily routine he calls "forty minutes of funk" which includes stretchin', skippin' and jumping jacks. Then he moves onto push-ups, leg raises and tricep dips.....can you say fitness freak!" (source:

Not only do celebrities have the time to exercise for hours on end, but they typically have the money to hire the absolute best weight loss support team. Julia Roberts, for example, earns an est imated $25,000,000 each year. Cameron Diaz earns $20,000,000 annually. Angelina Jolie pulls down about $12,000,000 each year and Reese Witherspoon gets a $15,000,000 yearly paycheck (source: With that much cash on hand, the stars can easily afford to hire the best personal trainers, the best nutritionists, the best dietitians and the best personal chefs.

"Celebrities also have the luxury of personal trainers and nutritionists to help them with rigorous diet regimes" (source:

With a personal chef to prepare every meal, celebrities find it easier to follow a low fat diet. A registered dietitian in the house makes it easy for stars to get a unique diet recipe or any other weight loss information they want. Simply put, having the salary of a celebrity makes it easier to lose weight.

Indeed, it's that same high salary that gives celebrities their incredible incentive to stay slender. The blunt truth of the matter is that Hollyw ood and the entertainment industry is not kind to overweight stars, often shunning them in favor of 'thin beauty'. Celebrities see a very real connection between their weight and their earnings power, which gives them the motivation they need to keep trying when many others would give up.

Statistics show that approximately two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that 80 percent of overweight individuals and almost 87 percent of obese individuals are trying to lose or maintain their weight. As a nation, we're trying to win the battle of the bulge, but we often lack the motivation to consistently exercise and eat right. How much easier would that struggle be if there were a $25,000,000 prize waiting for us when we reached our goal weight?

* How We Can Use The Diet And Weight Loss Programs Of The Stars:

Although most Americans can't afford the same support staff hired by the celebr ities, we can learn from their success and use that information to achieve our own health and fitness goals. Here's what we can do to copy the weight control tactics of celebrities:

1) Find an exercise program that takes less time. 2) Search for free diet information and free weight loss information. 3) Earn and keep more money by losing weight.

First of all, it's time to face reality that most of us will never have hours each day to dedicate to exercise like the celebrities do. That's not an excuse to quit! Instead, find an exercise routine that will get results in a shorter period of time. A great example is circuit training, where you get aerobic and resistance exercise at the same time. By combining these two types of workout into one, it's entirely possible to get real fat loss results in only thirty minutes each day.

Some time-strapped celebrities use circuit training to achieve their fitness goals. Matthew McConaughey, for example, ".....was circu it training - combining cardiovascular exercise with muscle-strengthening moves....." (source: STAR Magazine 11-14-05).

Circuit training works, especially for those of us short on time. As an example, consider Pick Up The Pace 30-Minute Workout For Women. This is a health club that offers hydraulic circuit training and has seen gym members accomplish incredible results. As reported on their website, member Minnie lost 10.5 inches during the month of February 2005. Vymell C. lost 9.5 inches the same month. The site also reports that Betty K. joined Pick Up The Pace in January, 2003. By September, 2004 she had lost 50 inches, and dropped from a size 18 to an 8. Stacie Y. lost 68 pounds, 54 1/4 inches, and dropped 6 sizes.

The next thing we can do to mimic celebrity weight loss success is find free diet information and free weight loss information. The truth about health and fitness is out there, and much of it is free.

Finally, we can copy celebrity weight loss by giving ourselves a real cash incentive to lose weight. While we probably won't ever hit that $25,000,000 payday, we can earn and keep more money by losing weight. It's true! Losing weight will help us earn and save more money. "Studies have consistently shown that obese employees are paid less than normal-weight employees doing similar jobs" (source:

A comprehensive study of wages in 1998 found that obese workers earn significantly less than than non-obese employees. How much less? About $3.41 per hour! This discrepancy was found only in those workers who had employer-sponsored health insurance, perhaps suggesting that the higher costs of insuring obese individuals was being passed on to the employees themselves. (Source: Bundorf and co-author Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at the Center for Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research).

So it's possible that losing weight could eventual ly add substantially to our paycheck! But did you know that losing weight may also lower the amount of money we personally pay out in medical costs? According to a study published in Health Affairs recently, obese Americans pay $732 more for health care each year than do normal-weight adults. Is that as much as a celebrity earns each year? Of course not - but it is a cash incentive for us to lose weight!

Celebrities will always have the advantage when it comes to weight loss. But with some extra effort we can achieve the same results!

The Day Off Diet Review

The Day Off Diet is the latest in dieting but it is not just another flash in the pan fad. It's a dieting method that really works and is really livable.

Unlike other diets like Atkins & Weight Watchers which require you to keep careful record of everything you eat, you do not have to count carbohydrates or calories when dieting on The Day Off Diet. That's because the diet uses a special "Green Light" food guideline system which will let you know the foods you can eat all you want of without having to worry about gaining weight. That's why unlike low calorie diets, you will never go hungry on The Day Off Diet.

Even more important than the ease of following the "Green Light" system is that this system enables your body to finally "turn off the fat storing gene" that is actually making you gain fat in the first place! Scientists have found that certain foods trick the body into thinking it's time to store fat instead of burn it. The "Green Light " foods do not contain any of those foods and that is why your body will turn off the fat storing gene and begin to lose weight much faster when you start The Day Off Diet.

Another thing that sets The Day Off Diet apart from lesser diets is the weekly "day off" that gives the diet it's name. The diet requires a day off from dieting every 7th day. On this day the dieter can eat anything they want without concern. That includes cheeseburgers, pizza, brownies, and ice cream! There is absolutely nothing off limits and you can eat as much of it as you want.

Besides the obvious psychological advantage of being able to regularly satisfy your cravings every 7th day and being able to fully enjoy your social life every Saturday (the day most choose as their "day off,") there's also a big weight loss advantage to this revolutionary dieting technique. The weekly "day off" helps you lose weight even faster by boosting your metabolism. It's important not to try t o implement this "day off" routine on your own, it is likely to only work correctly when combined with The Day Off Diet's special "Green Light" food guidelines provided for the other 6 days of the week!

Unlike old fashioned diets, The Day Off Diet can be accessed online immediately upon purchase. Furthermore, it can be purchased with just a one time payment instead of the monthly payments that make other diets so costly! For example, Weight Watchers costs $40/month which means it's $480 for a full year's membership! Food delivery diets like Jenny Craig & Medifast can cost well over $3000 a year.

The Day Off Diet also includes some free bonuses that should be mentioned as they are of a very high quality. It includes a special Day Off Diet recipe cookbook which will help you to follow the diet at home with your own cooking. It also includes, free of charge, a "beauty handbook" which is worth over $20 on it's own. My favorite of the free bonuses is the optional strength training program which is, in it's own way, just as revolutionary as the diet itself. It shows how you can build a lot of muscle in a very short amount of time. Muscle is the best way to boost your metabolism long term as each pound of muscle burns 50 calories a day at rest.

What You Must Follow With The South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet has swept the country in the last four to five years as part of Americas continuing attempt to lose weight. However, not every dieter is finding success on this diet. Find out about what these dieters are doing wrongly, and how you can achieve great results on this diet. Dr. Agitation, a leading cardiologist, created the South Beach Diet. His aim was to get better his patients heart health, but he exposed that as a side influence his patients were losing a lot of weight.

The South Beach Diet approaches eating in an entirely different way. He claims that it is not a low-crab or a low-fat diet, but a diet that focuses on consumption the right crabs and the right fats. The South Beach Diet is based on the GI index. The diet restricts crabs in the first two weeks and then gradually re-introduces those crabs with a low glycerin index. The focus of this diet is teaching you to find the right carbohydrates and fats .He also recommends trading dre nched fats with unsaturated fats.

With the South Beach diet, you will learn to eat good carbohydrates and good fats in the right proportions. The South Beach Diet usually follows the same idea as other glycolic index diets. First a little environment; when we have eaten, the crabs are then broken down into sugar, thus raise the sugar in our blood. After the initial two-week period, weight loss may slow some. In answer to the superior glucose level, the hormone insulin is released from the pancreas to take away the sugar as of the blood.

If we consume foods that are wealthy in crabs, we get a rapid add to in blood sugar, and then our pancreas releases a large quantity of insulin to counter it. When you are on the South Beach Diet, you will be eating three portioned meals per day, and two snacks. This in turn causes the blood sugar to fall quickly and you sense a lack of power, and then you crave more crabs and the thick cycle continues. If it keeps u p then you are likely to increase weight as a result .Similar to the popular Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet works in stages. In accumulation, your body becomes unwilling to the action of insulin. Once your body reaches this position then your body becomes more successful in storing the fat.

The meal plans on the program are very flexible so you can incorporate it into your lifestyle. So in stage one of this diet, most of the crabs are limited, this gives you body a rest from the sequence. This is theoretical to decide the insulin confrontation. The banned foods would be bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, fruit, milk, sweets, sugar and alcohol .The focus of this diet is teaching you to find the right carbohydrates and fats.. The focal point on the phase one fraction is to eat slant meat, chicken, fish and eggs. In this phase it is said that you can drop up to 14 pounds.

In the phase two fraction of the diet low GI crabs are gradually reintroduced. This would be most fruits, whole grain bread, cereals, pasta and skim milk. The South Beach Diet is safe but also very effective in eliminating excess fat from your body. You are theoretical to stay in this stage until you arrive at your aim weight. In phase three, you can reintroduce a wide diversity of foods. In this phase you are theoretical to keep your weight steady. Like many diets, the South Beach Diet is much less of a diet and more like a lifestyle change. This phase is intended to be life long. In all of the phases there is no boundary for portions, just eat enough to satisfy your wants. Actually snacking is advised, as extended as you snack on the suitable food in your phase.

The pay off is an 8 to 13 pound weight loss in the first two weeks on the South Beach Diet program .The extreme crab restriction in the first phase requires some grave will power. You may feel feeble. Also you wont be receiving your daily obligation of fruits and veggies so you may b e omitted out on vitamins and minerals. The South Beach Diet is safe but also very effective in eliminating excess fat from your body. Also when you limit all the crabs in this phase you are receiving rid of a lot of good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. However nutrition experts are usually in favor of diets based on the glycolic index. Overall this diet generally follows the basic opinion of healthy eating. The consequence should give abundance of the nutrients one would need to stay fit. The meal plans on the program are very flexible so you can incorporate it into your lifestyle.

Diabetes Diet Plan - Control Your Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious medical condition in which the body is unable to breakdown food into glucose (blood sugar). Insulin assists in the breakdown process but diabetics have a difficult time producing or responding to insulin and thus require insulin treatment.

To control and reverse your diabetes you need to plan, measure and act. By plan I mean plan a diabetic diet control what you eat, measure your food intake and act through exercise. Sounds simple does it not, create a diabetic diet plan, exercise and manage your weight.

As we all know, any effective diabetes diet plan has to include eating small, low glycemic foods several times per day to both control blood sugar and eliminate rapid blood sugar changes throughout the day. To do this, I have previously tried the SouthBeach and Atkins diets. However, both left me feeling deprived, irritable, jittery, and also left me with significant mental fog.

Help control your diabetes by producing a diet plan it does not have to be full of foods you don't like, foods that are boring and dull there are thousands of foods out their, recipes for diabetics that will suite you. You just need to read the information, buy the guides the eBooks and then you can eat well and remain healthy.

A diabetic diet plan is one of the best proven ways to combat diabetes; this can help to improve your blood sugar control, reduce and eliminate your need for insulin shots.

The diabetic food plan takes recommended foods for diabetics and creates a plan to suite both your tastes and your needs, by creating the diabetic diet plan you can improve your health and help fight diabetes.

A balanced diet consists of carbohydrates, fat and protein and required total calorie is 1200. In a 1200-calorie diabetes diet plan, 600 calories comes from carbohydrates and that means 1 gram of carbohydrate equals 4 calories. Now you can exchange the percentage of carbohydrate i n your food with either meat or fat group. This is all right until the total calories remain 1200.

Being a diabetic your diet is very important. It varies slightly depending in regards to the type of diabetes, body weight and style, personal needs, other diseases, age, sex and the physical activity of the said person. One must try to obtain and maintain an ideal body weight to help keep their diabetes in check.

One of the most important factors in the effective management of diabetes is diet control. A diabetic diet must achieve the right balance between nutrients and calorie count. On the one hand, it must be rich enough to provide all the vital nutrients in the right proportions. On the other, a diabetic diet must exercise strict calorie control so that the diabetic patient is at no risk of putting on extra weight.

The whole point of following a diabetic diet is to ensure that the insulin levels in the body and sugar levels are kept constan t. This is often misunderstood by diabetics that they can no longer enjoy all the types of food. The fact is that you just need to follow the doctor's advice and watch your diet closely but by no means restrict yourself from eating what you enjoy.

Fast And Easy Weight Loss Using Diet Programs And Diet Pills

If you're one of the approximately 67% of Americans that are wired into the internet, there's a good chance that sometime in the last 24 hours you've received at least one spam email promoting the latest and greatest diet pill or weight loss program. These diet products promise fast weight loss results, often without any effort or exercise. The never-ending promise of a weight loss pill that actually works keeps us hoping for eventual success.

At the same time, we're continually inundated with news of the most recent diet and how this time it's really going to work for us. The South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet, the Atkins Diet, the Low Carb Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Mediterranean Diet, the LA Weight Loss Diet, the Weight Watchers Diet, the Diabetic Diet, the Low Cholesterol Diet, the Prescription Pill Diet, the 3 Day Diet, the Low Fat Diet, the High Protein Diet, the Maker Diet, the Liquid Diet, the Grapefruit Diet, the Fad Diet, the Blood Type Diet, the GI Die t, the Vegetarian Diet, the Vegan Diet, the Detox Diet, the Dash Diet, the Candida Diet, the Gluten Free Diet, the Hollywood Diet, the Negative Calorie Diet, the 1200 Calorie Diet, the Raw Food Diet, the Phentermine Diet, the High Fiber Diet, the Macrobiotic Diet, the Science Diet, the Lemonade Diet, the Scarsdale Diet, the Diverticulitis Diet and the Fat Flush Diet are all examples of diet plans that promise to help us achieve quick weight loss.

Crash diets, weight loss pills and get-thin-quick gimmicks are more prevalent than ever, yet two-thirds of our population is still overweight. Even more startling is the fact that approximately one-third of the people in our country are clinically obese.

With all of these 'solutions' available to us, why is it that obesity trends have been alarming enough to prompt the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) to label obesity a national epidemic? Why are we still, as a nation, getting fatter? It's certainly not because we'r e not trying.

On the contrary, as a nation we're trying harder than ever to lose fat through diet and other weight loss products. As reported by CNN on 1-14-05 "Americans were expected to spend more than $40 billion in 2004 on weight control pills, gym memberships, diet plans and related foods, estimates Marketdata Enterprises, which studies the weight loss industry." Furthermore, statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that 80 percent of overweight individuals and almost 87 percent of obese individuals are trying to lose or maintain their weight.

As reported by, 80 percent of Americans made a New Year's resolution in 2005. A whopping 26 percent of those resolutions were to improve overall health and fitness, making this the top category for self-improvement. This year was no anomaly, either, according to Amy O'Connor, deputy editor of Prevention magazine: "Fifty-nine million people every year resolve to lose we ight."

So, is there a healthy diet product out there that will actually work? More than likely, the answer is yes. Although there is quite a bit of fraudulent weight loss merchandise on the market today, there is also (somewhere out there) a diet program and weight loss plan that will work for us. The challenge is to find that diet product or diet plan.

-> Repeat Business:

The diet and weight loss industry is a huge money making machine. According to Marketdata Enterprises, the annual revenue for the diet industry was over $30 billion dollars in 1990. A 2005 report by Stanford University documents that the consumer diet industry is now approximately $44 billion and growing. With all this money flowing around, haven't we as a country spent enough to fix the obesity problem once and for all?

How can the diet industry keep making more and more money, year after year? After all, $44 billion dollars is a lot of cash! The answer to that question is simp le: repeat business. "98% of today's dieters gain the weight back in 5 years. 90% of those individuals end up gaining back more than they lost originally, due to the body's panic and efforts to stabilize metabolic rates over the long term" (Source: Stanford University;

How do the diet-promoters get all that repeat business? The diet industry is a very unique enterprise in that, when it fails someone, they rarely blame the product. We are hard-pressed to find another business where, if the product doesn't work, we blame ourselves. All too often, after giving up on yet another diet program, we find ourselves thinking "Well, I guess I'm just not a good enough dieter." The tendency is for us to believe that we failed the diet rather than the other way around.

Apply this same logic to the automotive industry, and it soon becomes clear just how faulty this line of reasoning really is. What would happen if we take our car in to the mechanic for repairs and when we returned to pick it up he told us that although we still had to pay the bill, he was unable to fix the problem? Would we willing pay the bill anyway and just say "Oh well, I guess it's just a bad car?" Of course not! That would be ridiculous! But that's exactly what we do when it comes to diets.

-> One Size Does Not Fit All:

What we need to realize is that there is probably a weight loss product or weight loss plan out there that will work for us, but it may not be the same one our friends or co-workers used. To find the best weight loss program for us, we absolutely must realize that one size does not fit all. What worked for our sibling or spouse may not work for us, and what works for us may not work for them.

It's probably safe to say that any diet supplement has helped somebody, but it's also true that no weight loss drug or plan has helped everybody. Each person has a unique metabolism and very individual nutritional needs, so no single plan will work for everyone.

-> How To Find The Right Weight Loss Diet:

Some fat burner products on the market today do indeed work. Others are a complete rip-off. How do you tell the difference? Where do you go for accurate and reliable weight loss information?

First and foremost, talk with your doctor. Your own personal physician is likely to be honest with you and provide you with the facts. In addition, he or she can help you decide which weight loss supplement may be right for your personal situation.

There are also quite a few reputable organizations that provide accurate information on fat loss. Some of the better resources include: * American Cancer Society - * Centers For Disease Control - * Diet Scam Watch - * Calories Per Hour - * Harvard Medical School - * Mayo Clinic - * Shape Up America - * Calorie Control Co uncil - * President's Council On Physical Fitness -

When seeking a healthy weight loss plan, it's important that no food be strictly forbidden. There should not be any (or many) foods that we avoid completely 100% of the time. Why? Because that sets us up for failure! For example, if fudge is one of our favorites and we force ourselves to NOT eat fudge at the holiday party, then for many of us what we've done is set ourselves up for a binge fudge-festival.

Avoiding our favorite foods entirely is a too much self-deprivation for most people, and this sets us up for binge-eating. That's a recipe for disaster!

A much better approach is to enjoy foods in moderation. Watch those serving sizes! Enjoy and savor one piece of fudge! It's better to enjoy one piece of fudge and then stop than attempt to deprive ourselves entirely, only to end up eating the whole pan.

A good diet and nutrition program will also help us k eep in mind the cost of the foods we eat. We're not talking about dollars and cents here, but the FITNESS cost of the food. When picking up that fudge, keep in mind what it will cost to enjoy it. When picking up a plate at the buffet table, let's take a moment to pause and think to ourselves: "The cost of this fudge will be an extra _____ minutes of that worth it to me?" Maybe. Maybe not. That's for each of us to decide on our own.

The point is that we should be conscious of our food decisions. No foods are forbidden entirely, but we do need to watch our portion sizes and carefully consider the cost of each food. Any good weight management program will incorporate these concepts and also will be approved by your doctor.

-> How To Find The Right Weight Loss Supplement:

Perhaps even more so than with weight loss diets, when searching for weight loss supplements it is critical to rely on the advice of your physician. The careful and supervis ed use of weight loss diet pills, combined with a sensible diet and regular exercise, can lead to quick weight loss and even easy weight loss (or at least easier than you expected).

Beware, however, the supplement scams on the market. It seems that every time we turn around we are blasted and bombarded with the latest, greatest, new and improved treatment for obesity. The gimmicks just keep coming. The sad truth is that few of these products work. Even fewer will result in real, permanent and lasting fat loss. A very few of the weight loss gimmicks on the market today are not only a consumer rip-off, but they are also quite dangerous.....even deadly.

As an example, consider the prescription diet drug Meridia. Does it help you lose weight? For some people, the answer is yes. For others, the answer is no. Can it kill you? The answer to this question seems to be a nervous 'maybe'. "The consumer group Public Citizen had petitioned the Food and Drug Administration f or a ban, citing Meridia users who died of heart problems as young as their 20s and 30s. Even before Meridia was approved for sale, the FDA knew it could increase users' blood pressure, the group contended." (Source:

This week the FDA again refused to ban Meridia, even though whistleblower David Graham (an FDA drug safety officer) testified to Congress last fall that his agency was allowing five unsafe medicines to stay on the market, including Meridia.

Another example of a dangerous weight loss drug is ephedra. Ephedra was banned in the United States last year, in part due to numerous deaths attributed to this popular weight loss supplement. On April 14 2005, a federal Judge in Utah reversed the short-lived ban on ephedra. Within minutes, spammers were filling our email boxes with messages to BUY BUY BUY before ephedra was banned again.

Yes, ephedra will help some people lose weight. Yes, ephedra is safe for some people in low doses. But there is that little nagging fact that people have DIED and that their deaths have been attributed to ephedra use.....

Yet another example of a dangerous diet drug is steroids. For whatever reason, some people have decided that anabolic steroids are the best way to lose weight. Despite the well-documented and serious side-effects of steroid use, the lure of easy weight loss has caused many to throw caution to the wind. Perhaps the most concerning trend is steroid use among our teenage population: "Teens also listed steroids, growth hormone, amino acids and other potentially unhealthful products among those they'd tried in the previous year." (Source:

There do exist, however, some diet supplements that work and are also quite safe. Again, it is never a good idea to begin any supplementation program without first seeking the advice and approval of your doctor.

Three popular and dependable fat loss products designed to help you lose weight fast are Chro meMate, Lipotropic Plus and Super L-Carnitine.

Chromium helps insulin metabolize fat, turn protein into muscle and convert sugar into energy. ChromeMate, a unique form of niacin-bound chromium, is designed to optimize energy output. It accomplishes this by increasing the amount of glucose available for energy production nearly twenty-fold. It also is the "master" nutrient for controlling blood sugar, which in turn curbs sugar cravings. What's more, a study at Auburn University showed that ChromeMate reduced LDL cholesterol by an average of 14%. In fact, ChromeMate has been awarded a patent for lowering cholesterol.

The Lipotropic Plus Formula is scientifically-engineered to assist in the breakdown, distribution and burning (oxidation) of fatty acids. The active ingredients actually accelerate the fat-burning process by breaking down fat cells into smaller particles (emulsification) to be used for fuel during exercise.

Super L-Carnitine is essential for f at burning. I.B. Fritz and K.T.N. Yue, physiologists from the University of Michigan, discovered that Carnitine actually accelerates fat-burning. Without it, fat is unable to penetrate the walls of the mitochondria of the muscle cells. Carnitine is the shuttle that carries fat into your body's furnaces (muscles) to be burned for energy. Super L-Carnitine increases the rate of fat utilization for fuel.

-> Weight Loss Exercise:

In this article we've been discussing weight loss diets and weight loss supplements. At this point it is essential that we add the third and most important component of overall health and fitness: exercise.

Exercise is one weight loss method that has never been banned, has never led to an investigation, and has never been been listed on a 'whistleblower' fraud report.

Exercise is the only path to health and fitness that virtually every doctor in the world agrees upon. Exercise is safe, effective, and brings many more benefits to our lives than diets or drugs ever will alone. Exercise is fun, invigorating, motivating and the single most powerful way to improve our life and well-being!

Yes, it's quite possible to lose weight without participating in regular exercise. However, diet and exercise combined will help us burn fat faster than we thought possible! Weight loss achieved by regular exercise and diet will be healthy weight loss because of all the benefits we obtain from regular exercise:

1. Strengthens muscles 2. Strengthens bone 3. Strengthens ligaments 4. Strengthens tendons 5. Strengthens immune system 6. Improves muscle tone 7. Improves endurance 8. Improves strength 9. Improves self esteem 10. Improves confidence 11. Improves balance 12. Improves physical appearance 13. Improves physical performance 14. Improves glucose tolerance 15. Improves circulation 16. Improves memory 17. Lower risk of heart disease 18. Lower risk of diabetes 19. Lower risk of cancer 20. Lower blood p ressure 21. Lower cholesterol 22. Lower risk of stroke 23. Lower risk of osteoporosis 24. Lower risk of osteoarthritis 25. Lower requirements for medication 26. Lower risk of injury 27. Lower bodyfat 28. Helps with sleep disorders 29. Reduces post-operative complications 30. Reduces frequency of illness 31. Prevent Alzheimer's disease 32. Prevents muscle loss 33. Increases metabolism 34. Eases symptoms of menopause 35. Healthier pregnancy 36. Fewer problems with childbirth 37. Reduces ovulation problems 38. Prevents heartburn

Reaching your ideal weight via a healthy and active lifestyle has been found to lower health risks and medical problems in 90 percent of overweight patients. In addition to the exercise benefits listed above, fit people are eight times less likely to die from cancer than the unfit, and 53 percent less likely to die from other diseases. Fit people are also eight times less likely to die from heart disease.

Without a doubt, regular exercise is the most important piece of the puzzle and the best way to achieve rapid weight loss. Exercise is the safest way to achieve permanent fat loss, and when combined with a sound diet and nutrition program the body is turned into a virtual fat-burning furnace!

-> Conclusion:

Fast weight loss is possible if we, under the supervision and approval of our doctor, combine a sensible diet with a diet pill or weight loss pill that is safe and effective. When we combine these three fat-burning strategies it is almost guaranteed that we will experience quick weight loss results.

The Mediterranean Diet Can Be Good For Your Metabolism

Mediterranean diets are gaining in popularity because they offer low-fat, low carb alternatives to typical American diet foods. If you or a family member suffers from high cholesterol, you may want to steer your eating habits in a better direction. With great Turkish recipes and Greek recipes that are available online with this diet plan, it is easier than ever to sign up.

Also, Mediterranean diets are based on simple ingredients that are put together in a variety of delicious and exciting ways. Many people actually prefer to use extra virgin olive oil to spice up most of the dishes. The nutty, fruity flavor of the olive oil lends a delicious light touch to practically any dinner or lunch food. The good news for you is that Mediterranean diets depend a great deal on extra virgin olive oil.

The best part is that Mediterranean food is a snap to prepare. Making a Greek salad, for instance, requires only a few basic ingredients that you can purchase at any local supermarket. You can make your Greek salad with fresh lettuce, plump cherry tomatoes, wonderful kalamata olives, and a hint of balsamic vinaigrette topped off with feta cheese. Just the thought of such a salad makes most people want to head to the kitchen.

More and more, research is starting to point to the role of a person's diet in determining the likelihood of suffering heart disease. The best way to take care of your heart is to eat well before problems develop and not wait until the problem is there already to get started. That's why I encourage my family members and friends to eat lightly in the Mediterranean style. After all, too many fatty foods and thick, buttery sauces will clog your arteries and slow you down eventually.

The Mediterranean diet plan as well as others can be found online at These diet plans will help those who want to lose weight and those who just want to start eating better and healthier foods. Let's face it, 80% of the p opulation in America is considered overweight and/or higher risk for weight related diseases. With those stats, can it be a wonder that so many diet plans are causing such a stir?

The Mediterranean diet is great for boosting your metabolism because it doesn't take away from your being able to eat what you like. The Mediterranean diet is popular because of the variety of foods that you can eat. It actually encourages you to eat often. Unlike the Atkins diet plan, this one does not want you to cut out anything and it really will help you to boost your metabolism without the use of drugs or chemicals. It certainly makes sense.

Your Metabolism And The Mediterranean Diet

Because Mediterranean diets offer low carb, low fat alternatives to traditional American diet foods, they are increasing in popularity. You may decide to steer your own eating habits into a better course, especially if you or one of your loved ones suffers from high cholesterol. The delicious Greek and Turkish recipes that are accessible online with this particular diet plan make it simpler than ever before to sign up.

Furthermore, Mediterranean diets are based on everyday ingredients that are combined in many different tasty and titillating ways. In fact, a lot of people prefer to spice up the recipes by using extra virgin olive oil. The fruity and yet nutty taste of this olive oil gives a light and flavorful touch to just about any lunch or dinner meal. With this in mind, the really good news that that the dishes prepared for Mediterranean diets often rely on using extra virgin olive oil.

Another super factor about Mediterranean food is that i t is truly simple to prepare. For example, a Greek salad consists of a few basic ingredients that can be found at any local grocery store. Pick up some ripe cherry tomatoes, fresh lettuce, kalamata olives and add a touch of balsamic vinaigrette toped with feta cheese. Reading about this salad makes a lot of folks want to bolt for the kitchen and get started.

The latest research has found that an individual's diet can have a determining role their potential to suffer from heart disease. To take proper care of your heart, you should eat properly prior to any difficulties arising and exercise preventative dietary measures. Because it is so healthy and delicious, I encourage all of my friends and loved ones to eat in Mediterranean manner to eat light. As we all well know, an excess of thick butter sauces and fatty foods will eventually slow you down and clog your arteries.

If you go online and visit you can find the Mediterranean diet plan along with quite a few others. These weight loss plans will assist those people that want to lose weight as well as folks that simply desire to eat better foods for increased health. The harsh reality is that 80% of the American population is considered to be overweight and at a high risk for diseases that are weight related. Such statistics are certainly contributing to the clamor towards so many diet plans.

The greatest part of the Mediterranean diet is that it boosts your metabolism and does not deprive you of the foods you enjoy. In fact, the vast popularity of the Mediterranean diet is because you can eat a wide variety of foods often during the day. It is a sensible diet because unlike the Atkins diet, this weight management plan does not require you to eliminate any particular foods and assists you in boosting your metabolism.

What are the Most Popular Diets In Hollywood?| What do these Diets Consist of?

Our friends the celebrities, well we feel like they are. They are so much a part of lives we can hardly make it through the day without seeing one of them in a magazine, on TV, or on the internet. We look and wonder what it would be like to be them. What it would be like to have their money, clothes, car, and jewelry. But most often we wonder what it would be like to have their looks and their bodies. At least one time we all have said "If I looked like...than I would be rich and famous". Come on, you haven't... really. You are probably thinking it right now! So we go searching for the most Popular Diets in Hollywood to find out which diet our celebrity used to get fit and trim.

In one of my previous articles title "What are the Most Popular Celebrity Diets?" I discussed and gave an opinion on The Zone Diet, The Atkins Diet, and the Sugar Busters Diet. In this article I will discuss and give an opinion on more of the Popu lar Diets in Hollywood and why I think you should look to an alternative program that will not force you to guess how to do the program and not cost you nearly as much.

Here are some of the Popular Diets in Hollywood:

  • The South Beach Diet- Great Diet program you can get customized diets, recipes and food guides, weight tracker tools, and news letters. This diets works by utilizing "3 phases" in the first phase you will have to completely cut out carbohydrates. That's 2 weeks without bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, or baked goods. No fruit, even. You also won't eat candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, or sugar for two weeks. Also, no beer or alcohol. Yikes! I don't know about you but that's seems pretty rough to me. On top of this in order to keep receiving support from the website you need to pay for a membership. You will need to pay 5 dollars per week in order to have access to the tools you'll need to stay on track. After 2 months you will have paid $40 after one year you will have spent $260 in membership fees. I know gyms that are cheaper than that.
  • The GI Diet- Developed by Dr. David Jenkins who is a professor of nutrition at the University of Toronto. The GI (glycemic index) measures the speed at which foods are broken down by the body to form glucose, the body's source of energy. High G.I. foods break down quickly and leave you looking for the next food fix. Low G.I. foods break down more slowly and leave you feeling fuller, longer. It is these low G.I. foods that form the core of the diet. Foods are categorized by 3 colors red, yellow, and green. After you purchase the series of 3 books for $40 you will be able to understand how to categorize each food according to its color. By eating the appropriate colored foods in the correct proportion you will lose weight.


    I've found one product that is easy to implement and if you can cook some simple recipes you will be well on your way to losing weight like the and it won't cost you nearly as much. In fact you will probably be saving money in the long run, because some of the expensive foods you buy like potato chips and ice cream will be out of the equation.
    Strip That Fat is a premier weight loss software. Strip That Fat will leave all of the Popular Diets in Hollywood in the back of the aisles. This software is easy to use, you can select your favorite foods and you will get a customized 14 day meal plan using the foods you like to eat. It will also print you a shopping list so there is no more guessing. Pretty soon you will look like you've been on one of the Popular Diets in Hollywood and you'll be happy knowing that it did not cost you nearly as much.