Many people suffering from diabetes are told that they need to lose weight; however losing weight for most people is not as easy as you may think. Losing weight does not just mean cutting out all of that rubbish that you had eaten, especially when you're diabetic because most of that rubbish you had eaten should already have been cut out with your diet plan. Perhaps you do not have a diet plan which brings me on nicely to the first way to lose weight if your diabetic.
Create a diabetic diet plan
Everyone who is diabetic has to watch what they eat some more than others, whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes it is something we all have to do. So why not take this a step further instead of just reading the back labels of your microwave meals and cans of beans, prepare your own meals cook them up from scratch. Sure this may sound hard but really it is not, now I may be able to say this because before I had diabetes I was already cooking my own meals daily but even if I were not the meals I do cook are really simple and easy. There are plenty of eBooks and informational guides out there with some real treasured recipes for diabetics to cook with some tasty desserts, they are on my website. It's all about measuring the quantities and cooking with that measurement in mind.
By creating your own diabetic diet plan you have full control over the ingredients you add and obviously this is a massive bonus as this can affect your cholesterol blood pressure and your weight which can have large adverse affects on your diabetes.
When creating your diet plan keep in mind measurements of each ingredient write it all down and mix them up a little, you don't want to be eating the same food every day believe me that gets very boring (I had to eat porridge for 2 years 3 times a day).
Atkins diabetic diet
The Atkins diabetic diet is part of the large series of Atkins diets. The Atkins diabetic d iet allows three different levels of meal plans, starting with 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, then going to 40 carbohydrates per day then ending at 60 grams of carbohydrates per day. However the authors of the Atkins books do advise people to customise the diet plans to suite themselves as obviously everyone is different.
If you're diabetic like anyone else exercise can be a great way of losing weight however it should be discussed with your doctor first and carefully measured. I cannot make this any clearer, exercise can affect your diet and your blood levels severely if not measured and can have major impacts on your health and diabetes. However don't let this put you of exercising. If you are careful and plan out a routine where you can measure the amount of calories you burn from doing the exercise you can ensure that you do not put your self in any risks. Also be sure to research what types of exercise have different affects on your body and blood levels as some exercise can have immediate affects on your blood sugar levels where as others may take a couple of hours to take affect.