A Fiber-rich Diet Can Help Cleanse the Colon
Years of eating fast food, smoking cigarettes, taking prescription drugs, and drinking alcohol can eventually take a toll on your body, especially your colon. Even if you do not usually feel that there is something wrong with your colon, it is no reason for you to think that it is okay.
The signs that should tell you that there is something wrong with your colon is not only limited to constipation, gas pains, and diarrhea. Other symptoms include chronic fatigue, low libido, anxiety, depression, acne, back pains, weight problems, and high blood pressure.
The colon is the passage way of the excesses of the food that we ingest. That is why, the colon contains a large mass of healthy bacteria for it to break down the food and contain the toxins within. However, if the toxins are too much, some of the good bacteria in the colon, such as the gut flora candida, may abnormally grow and can prove to be hazardous. That is why it is very important for an in dividual to cleanse his colon.
Moreover, unhealthy food intake and diet is very harmful and damaging. Processed foods and foods high in fat and sugar are extremely unhealthy for the colon. These foods tend to release mucus when digested, which then makes it difficult for the colon to move the wastes for elimination. And with the sluggish movement of the wastes, fragments of tend to stick on the colon walls and eventually harden.
In the long run, the accumulated wastes continually narrow the waste passage which will make the process of elimination more difficult. And on top of that, these accumulated wastes can actually weight several pounds, which means that aside from your overall body mass, several unhealthy pounds are added to your total weight.
What is worst is that not only do the accumulated wastes add unwanted weight to your body, these wastes can become the breeding ground for bacteria. Also, the inherent toxins of these wastes can penetrate through the colon walls and attack other organs and glands.
Colon hydrotherapy is a naturopathic cleansing treatment that is regaining its popularity as a preventive measure for various diseases and as a maintenance treatment for recovering patients. Generally the procedure involves the gradual pumping of sterilized water in and out the entire length of the colon through the rectum. Many people have attested to the efficacy of the treatment, yet many are still hesitant due to the somewhat invasive process.
So, if you want to have your colon cleansed but have not yet decided whether to have a colonic irrigation treatment or not, you can go on juice fast or start a good cleansing diet instead.
A good cleansing juice recipe for the stomach include the following ingredients: 1 bunch of grapes, 1 basket of strawberries, 3 apples, 4 sprigs of fresh mint, and water. Moreover, foods rich in fiber and alkaline minerals such as po tassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium help neutralize the toxic acids that harm the body.
Thus, it is good to always include vegetable in your diet such as carrot, celery, zucchini, and beet for their fiber and mineral contents. In fact various people follow certain diet that proved to be appropriate for them. These detoxification diets include the South beach, Atkins, and cabbage diet.
However, before actually going through any detoxification treatments, it is important that you seek professional advice. People with certain medical procedures are not advised to have colonic or other detoxification treatments, including fasting.
Cabbage Soup Diet - the 2 Advantages and 3 Disadvantages Are Discussed
The Cabbage Soup Diet has been getting great testimonials from people who have undergone the diet. Some can attest that they have lost over ten pounds in just one week. Others say that it's the best diet they have done. However, others say that although the weight loss is undeniable, the after effects as well as the condition while on the diet is not worth it. The Cabbage Soup Diet is just one of the many fad diets that have hit the market in the past years. Let us consider the advantages and disadvantages of the Cabbage Soup Diet.
The 2 Advantages
1. Dramatic and speedy weight loss. The Cabbage Soup Diet promises weight loss of up to ten pounds in just one week. This can be very essential for people who have to undergo surgical operations and need to lose weight fast. The Cabbage Soup Diet is also essential for people who need to lose weight immediately for special functions such as weddings or an important first date.
2. The presence of good dietary fiber and other nutrients. Cabbage and the other ingredients have fiber in them that helps sweep away toxins and waste from the body. Cabbage, if eaten regularly and often can help with constipation and prevention of other digestive problems. Celery has the same effect as well as green pepper. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a helpful antioxidant known to reduce the risk of certain cancers. More importantly, Cabbage Soup is very low in saturated fat and has almost zero cholesterol. It can greatly help obese people in losing weight and can reduce the risk of heart attack and hypertension.
The 3 Disadvantages
1. The Cabbage Soup Diet can only be done in a week at most. Because of the dangerously low levels of carbohydrate and calorie content of the diet, medical experts only advise at most seven days for the diet to continue. A longer period can be very unhealthy and can result in a collapse in the dieter's health. Wor se, it can lead to sickness and other complications.
2. Effects on the dieter during the dieting period. Some people who have undergone the Cabbage Soup Diet complain of irritability, weakness and lack of concentration. This is because the person is taking very little calorie and carbohydrates that they cannot function very well. The dieter also feels hungry more often since the soup, with the lack of meat, is often not filling. However, unlike the high protein diet such as Atkins and South Beach diets, this diet is relatively low in cholesterol and fat so it can be considered healthier.
3. Blandness of the Cabbage Soup. One can only take in so much cabbage. It lacks flavor and since the heart of the diet is cabbage, it is the main course in every meal with the dieter often advised to eat as much of the soup as possible. There have been many varieties of the Cabbage Soup already. Some add spices like curry or herbs to make it tastier. Because of thi s, the diet is criticized as having high levels of sodium which can be harmful to one's health.
Top Diet Tips To Stay Fit And Healthy
Over the last decades, health and fitness has become an increasing concern for most of us. Some people crave a killer body and the attention that comes with it. Others want the perfect abs, a tighter bottom, or bulging biceps. The result of this movement has been a proliferation of gyms, health centers, spas, and personal trainers.
Ads for exercise equipment, weight loss products, and star-sponsored fitness routines dominate television, and it's hard not to think you're the only one out there who isn't working on your body. In fact, the perfect body is one part of a healthy, quality life.
Being truly healthy requires a healthy lifestyle and a proper, balanced diet. Diet for fitness provides the nutrition and energy we need to restore tired muscles and maintain a positive productive energy level. Think of the diet approaches - high-carb, low-fat, all-protein, sugar-free, all-chocolate, Scarsdale, Atkins, South Beach. There is no shortage of great- sounding fad diets out there.
If you pay attention to advertisements and special programs that focus on dieting and weight loss programs, you may not know where to turn for dependable, honest facts about nutrition and health. In fact, most fad diets don't work, and they sure don't support your health. So, what can you do to find out what's best, and most healthy, for you?
In reality, there are two basic diet approaches: high-carb diets and high-fat diets. High-carb diets focus on eating lots of carbohydrate-rich foods, and high-fat diets endorse fat-rich foods. High-carb diets use burn the glycogen in your liver and muscles. This glucose complex provides quick energy that you use in anaerobic exercises.
Fats are the richest source of calories, containing more than twice as much calorie value than either carbohydrates or proteins. When metabolizing carbohydrates, the human body burns 24 calories, yet it only takes three calories to burn the same amount of fat.
So, which one is best? Neither. Each diet approach yields results, as long as you stick to one type. You can adopt a high-carb, low-fat diet or a low-carb, high-fat diet. Just don't try both at the same time unless you want to gain weight.
But diets shouldn't be just about losing fat. A healthy balanced diet maintains a healthy weight and avoids weight gains. Successful weight loss can only be realized when the daily diet reflects lifestyle, individual food preferences, unique physical needs, and feeling satisfied with what you eat. There's really only one diet that will work for you. That's the diet that helps you stay fit, feeling healthy and satisfied with who you are. And that diet is unique to you.
When you diet for fitness, there are three things to remember: moderation, variation, and balance. Plan your meal schedule so that you don't get too full or too hungry at any time of day. This may mean three me als, five meals, or one meal. It depends your schedule and your physical needs.
Moderation means eating when you need to and eating the amount that satisfies without adding calories your body will only store as fat. Balance means selecting a healthy diversity - the basic food groups. It means getting the proper amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber to keep your body functioning at its highest potential. Variation means giving yourself enough choice to keep interested in the foods you eat. Eating the same things all the time is not only boring, it's unhealthy. Having a salad one time and chicken the next will assure you get both the nutrition and the diversity you need.
The bottom line is that your important decision isn't what diet program will work. It's about what diet program will work to keep YOU fit and healthy. It doesn't mean going on a fad diet for a few weeks or months and then going back to your old habits. It means adopting a well-balanced, nutritious diet in combination with regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle and sticking to it - for life!
One last word of advice: experiment. Try new foods to keep your diet interesting and nutritious. Try new recipes to get a new take on the familiar. Who knows? You might even learn to love spinach!
Custom Online Diets
If you'd like to drop a few pounds or do a total body makeover, online diet services are a great place to turn to in your weight loss endeavors. However, there are a few things to consider before selecting a diet program.
• Selection-Everyone has a different physique, and your work-out and nutritional needs should be attuned to that. EDiets gives you many choices, such as the GI Diet Plan and the infamous Atkins.
• Fitness Program-Diet services should include versatile work-out routines and fitness ideas. The popular South Beach Diet gives you the Best Buddy Program, where you compare weight loss routines and progress with a virtual friend!
• Recipe Options-We all know that a healthy meal is just as important as rigorous fitness training. Consider a weight loss program that includes customizable recipe options.
• Meal Purchases-Sometimes a great way to shed the pounds is by following a diet plan and purchasi ng their pre-approved, pre-selected meal items. South Beach Diet & Weight Watchers both have purchasable food that tastes naughty when it's not!
It may come as a surprise that the best weight loss diet can often be found online. "How could it work?" you may ask. Many leading online diet sites utilize real-life fitness trainers, nutritionists and doctors into their programs.
These sites also make the process fun and entertaining, as you can interact in communities of like-minded individuals, all struggling to renew their bodies and self image. Choosing a plan customized to your lifestyle and metabolism can assist you in losing weight and bettering your health.
South Beach Diet, A Scam Or Does It Work?
Overview. Dr Agatston, a leading American cardiologist, initially created the SouthBeach diet for his heart patients. While his diet was to improve his patients heart wellbeing, he discovered that a side effect of the diet was that they lost considerable amounts of weight. He claims this isn't a low-carb or low-fat diet - instead it focuses on eating the 'right' carbs and the 'right' fats. In fact, the South Beach Diet is based on the Glycemic index. It begins by severely restricting carbohydrates in the first two weeks, before gradually re-introducing those with a lower on the glycemic index. In addition, it recommends swapping saturated fats for unsaturated fats.
The South Beach Diet follows the same principles of other diets based on the Glycemic Index. SouthBeach is divided into three phases. In Phase One, most carbohydrates are banned to give your body a complete rest from fluctuating blood sugar and insulin levels. The theo ry is this will help to resolve insulin resistance. During Phase One, the banned foods list includes bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, fruit, milk, sweets, cake, biscuits, ice cream, sugar and alcohol. A few low GI vegetable such as broccoli and cabbage are allowed, but the focus is on eating lean meat, chicken, fish, eggs, low-fat cheese, some nuts and olive oil. You follow this phase for 14 days.
In Phase Two, low GI carbs including most fruits, Granary bread, wholegrain cereals and pasta and low-fat milk are reintroduced. The idea is to stay with this phase until you've reached your target weight. Finally, in Phase Three, you introduce an even wider variety of foods. This phase is aimed at keeping your weight steady and the diet recommends you stay on this for life.
What we like about this plan. The South Beach Diet differs from its low-carb competitors, like Atkins, in that it restricts saturated fats, which are associated with health problems like heart disease and high cholesterol. The plan reduces the cravings for sugars, sweets and other carbohydrates because the diet is supposed to keep blood sugar levels sustained. Its importance on fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and heart-healthy fats is an eating plan that is full of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.
Dr Agatston has great support from the medical science community. There is a new updated book released in 2008, "South Beach Diet: Supercharged". The book does an excellent job getting a dieter started and includes great recipes. There is also a complete line of South Beach Diet foods that can be purchased in your grocery store from cereals to frozen meals.
What we dislike about this plan. The plan is tough for a vegetarian and a non-fish eater. The science behind Dr. Agatston's assertions about certain foods and their ability to raise blood sugar levels or put on wei ght is inaccurate. Alcohol is forbidden in the induction phase and limited in the long-term diet. The book contains no exercise guidelines. Recipes rely on a lot of NutraSweet and sugar alcohols, which many find difficult to digest. To become a member of the website you must join for 6.00 a week.
How Healthy Is This Plan? It is a overall healthy plan after the first phase. Its encouragement of eating vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats is marvelous. Its elimination of white sugar and refined carbohydrates is equally creditable, but not so easy to follow. Many people have been successful losing weigh following the South Beach Diet and have been able to keep it off. The South Beach Diet has some scientific flaws and many nutritionists would argue that its promise of losing 8-12 pounds in 14 days is a bit aggressive and is certainly water weight and some muscle, especially since exercising is not addressed.
Here Is the Bottom Line. The South Beach Diet only requires serious willpower for the first two weeks during Phase One. Nevertheless, this phase is extremely restrictive. If you can get past the initial phase, then it will get easier. No major food groups are eliminated, plenty of fruit and vegetables are recommended and generally the diet follows the use of the glycemic index and taking heart health into consideration. If you can handle the restriction of carbs, this plan will be a plan for you.
© 2008 - 2009 Which Weight Loss
The South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet is one of the odd fishes swimming in the treacherous waters of the international weight loss industry. Many people love it and are perfectly willing to swear by the good name of M.D. Arthur Agatston, while others find it hard to stick to the obligatory induction phase. The South Beach Diet belongs to the low-carbohydrates group of diets and has been derided as a fad diet, although its fans claim that it is not a fad diet and that it is, in any case, much more responsible and healthy than Atkins. Then again, not many diets manage to be less healthy than Atkins.
Dieters who choose the South Beach Diet can expect to see their food intake restricted to lean meat, seafood, eggs, low fat dairy products, nuts, vegetables (most of them, anyway), artificial sweeteners and a couple of carbohydrates of the low glycemic variety. During the first phase of this diet, the shock phase, most fruit and vegetables are still on the banned list, just like the r est of carbohydrates. Unfortunately, some people find it hard to cope with the low energy level, the fatigue and sometimes nausea that accompany this phase. However, it should be noted that not all dieters experience these symptoms. It's all in our genetic make-up.
The bets part of this diet is the focus on removing simple carbohydrates (sweets, pasta, bread) from the diet and replacing them with the healthier complex carbohydrates from wholegrains and vegetables. The worst part is the marketing jargon that makes it sound like a fad diet and the tough first phase of the diet, which sacrifices the long-term healthy eating approach for an instant gratification technique based on the catch-all slogan "lose weight fast". Any such approach will have the dieter lose a lot of water and not that much fat.
On the other hand, the second phase of the diet is a bunch of quite sensible eating advice and the recipes provided by the author are very good. There are also pre-packaged South Beach foods for those who lack the time or the inclination to cook for themselves. All things considered, the South Beach Diet is not a bad idea if one could clear away the hype and marketing lingo and focus on the healthy eating part and the good food choices. This information is something that should stay with you through the years if you're looking to keep that weight from returning.
Fantastic Low Carb Desert Recipes Uncovered
There are many ways of lowering your carbohydrate intake, even when you crave deserts. Try this cheesecake recipe:
Best Cheesecake
Low Carbohydrate Recipe
3/4 pound grated aged asiago cheese
1-1/4 pound cream cheese at room temperature
4 eggs
1 clove of garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon dried tarragon or 1 tablespoon fresh salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Beat asiago and cream cheese with a mixer until smooth.
Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Add garlic and tarragon and combine well. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Pour into an 8 inch buttered spring form pan and bake for 45 minutes to an hour, checking after 45 minutes.
Cake should be golden and puffed, not loose in the center. Remove from the oven and let stand 30 minutes before cutting.
Or try this recipe, for Chocolate Meringue Kisses:
Chocol ate Meringue Kisses
Low Carbohydrate Recipe
4 egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 cup Splenda
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
Preheat oven to 225-degrees. Put baking parchment on a cookie sheet.
Beat egg whites until foamy. Add vanilla extract a few drops at a time and cream of tartar. Beat until meringue starts to look creamy and forms soft peaks. Add in Splenda a little at a time. Add in cocoa a little at a time.
Put meringue on parchment paper cookie sheet by spoonfuls. (You can use a pastry bag and pipe them into cones like Hershey kisses, or flower shapes.) Bake at 225-degrees for one hour. Turn off oven, open oven door a crack, and allow to cool five to ten minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool away from drafts. Remove from parchment paper when cool.
Carb count for total recipe: 28.7g. Number of cookies varies depending on size .
You could also do these with daVinci-flavoured syrups and a little food coloring if desired. Then sprinkle a little granulated Splenda on the top for that sugar "sparkle."
If you make smaller meringues, don't bake them quite as long, or they will be over-dry and fracture easily.
Berries and Roasted Pecans
Low Carbohydrate Recipe
18 ounce round of Brie cheese
1 cup mixed berries, fresh or frozen
1/4 cup Cognac
1/3 cup apricot preserves
1/2 cup lightly toasted pecan pieces
Assorted crackers
Early Preparation: Marinate berries in Cognac for four to six hours. Lightly toast pecans in 350-degree oven for three to five minutes. Set aside.
To serve: Pre-heat oven to 350-degrees.
Cut a wedge 1/4 of the diameter of the Brie. Stack it o top of remaining round and place on ovenproof serving platter.
In a small saucepan heat apricot preserves over medium heat until dissolved. Stir in marinated berries and then nuts. Reduce heat and warm through.
Heat the Brie in oven until softened, but not runny. Spoon mixture over Brie and serve immediately with assorted crackers.
Recipe makes four to six servings.
Blackberry Ice Cream
Low Carbohydrate Recipe
1-1/2 quart Half n Half
1 quart heavy whipping cream
1-1/2 cup Splenda
6 egg yolks
1/3 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
30 ounces fresh blackberries
Mix first five ingredients together; heat to a gentle boil.
Remove from heat and chill.
Add vanilla extract; crank for about 30 seconds then add blackberries and crank until done.
Nutrition information per serving:
Calories: 201
Total Fat: 18.7g
Total Carbohydrates: 6g
Chocolate Mousse
Low Carbohydrate Recipe
Ingredien ts:
4 ounces heavy cream
One chocolate (or cappuccino) Atkins shake mix
Stevia to flavour (optional)
Sift shake mix, then whisk ingredients in a bowl until just thickened (be careful not to over-whisk).
Scoop into individual serving dish. Chill for 30 minutes.
Recipe makes two servings.
Carbohydrates: 2.5g per serving
Low Carb Recipes - Surprisingly Doable
The low carb diet movement has taken the world by storm. Nearly everyone has heard of it - who could avoid doing so? Variations of this reducing diet have been endorsed by celebrities and other popular figures. Advertisements for low carb food products and low carb recipes have been portrayed prominently in magazines and television, with the promise that you WILL lose weight even if you eat large food portions; you just have to make sure that the food you are eating has little or no carbohydrate content.
Perhaps one of the most surprising things is that low carb recipes are doable and once your system has gotten used to them, they are easy to follow. People are of the apprehension that it will be hard to make dishes because of the scarcity of ingredients. After all, we have become accustomed to using things like sugar, flour, bread, potatoes, etc. - all of which are a no-no for low carb dieters - in the dishes we eat.
But as the low carb diet movement started to become more popular and as the clamor for appropriate ingredients increased, the food industry rose up to the occasion and started introducing products to meet demand. Take for instance, sugar. Normal sugar is known to trigger certain mechanisms in the body that would make a person feel hungrier more often. Add this to the fact that sugar is full of empty calories that will only add to the ones that your body already is trying to burn. Now, however, dieters can take comfort in the fact that they can use artificial sweeteners - such as Splenda - that do not have the same effect on the body as sugar, but still impart the sweetness that so many of us want and crave.
Entrees or main dishes pose no problem since low carb diets usually promote the consumption of high-protein food products, such as meat. It is those appetizers, desserts, snack foods - and even beverages - that pose a problem. But with the introduction of substitute products, a dieter need not look at dis hes like breaded chicken or chocolate cake with vain longing. Just look at the variety of low carb recipes online and offline, and you will see that there is a plethora of ingredients with the label "low carb" attached to them.
Want to make some brownies? No problem, just use low carb chocolate. Breaded pork chops or chicken can be enjoyed guilt-free if you use bread crumbs derived from low carb bread. Are you a pasta lover who cringes at the thought of having to give up lasagna and spaghetti? Then you will appreciate the fact that there are low carb pastas out on the market, enabling you to continue enjoying your favorite dishes - just make sure that the sauces and other ingredients you use are not laden with carbohydrates.
Low carb reducing diets, such as Atkins and South Beach, do not ask the dieter to totally give up food items that have carbohydrate content. The key is to control one's carb intake in order to promote faster metabolism: burn more calories f aster to lose weight faster. Fruits and vegetables are still an essential part of the diet, but it is important to know which types of fruits to avoid and to enjoy, especially if you are just starting your diet. For instance, you can enjoy grapefruit, peach or strawberry shakes, smoothies or juices without compunction; the same cannot be said for dishes that contain bananas, pears, or grapes.
If you find yourself running out of recipe ideas and you are determined to stick with a low carb diet plan, there are numerous books, web sites, and other resources that you can avail of in order to plan a daily or weekly menu. This is assuming that you like to cook for yourself or someone else on a low carb menu. On the other hand, if you are not the type who is fastidious about home cooking, then you will be glad to know that many restaurants serve food especially for the low carb consumer. There is also a variety of microwaveable and ready-to-eat meals that are suited for such reducing diets.
Before a person goes all out on a carbohydrate-controlled diet and starts hoarding and following low carb recipes, it is always a wise thing to get a professional medical opinion on whether such a diet is safe for him or her. Persons with certain health issues, such as kidney disease, should not embark on a low carb reducing diet. Barring that, almost any person can enjoy great-tasting - even gourmet - foods and drinks and still lose weight in the process.
Your Guide To Quick To Fix, Easy Low Carb Recipes
Everyone these days wants to find easy, low-carb recipes to build a healthy diet that is low in carbohydrates. With the recent low-carb craze, dieters can find information all over the place. Here are some guidelines to help you get what you want out of the low-carb phenomenon.
Whether you are searching the Internet, paging through a cookbook or digging through a friend's pile of recipes, you need to keep in mind what it is that you want out of this diet. You should desire low-carb recipes that appeal to you, that will help you lose weight healthily, that you want to eat and that you can prepare without too big a headache.
Just because foods are low-carb and diet-friendly doesn't mean they have to be bad or boring. You can find easy, low-carb recipes without sacrificing foods you enjoy. You can easily find recipes focusing on meat, poultry or seafood. You can find dozens of great ideas for breads, pastas, sauces and dips, as well as low-carb desserts and snac ks. You can even have low-carb beer and other alcoholic beverages.
When preparing meals containing meats, be sure to choose carefully. As you make an effort to avoid carbohydrates, you will naturally move toward foods higher in protein. Many of these high-protein foods are our favorite meats, but many of these meats are also contain large amounts of fat. To get the best out of your diet, choose easy, low-carb recipes that call for lean meat, poultry or seafood. Even lean cuts of pork are better for you than meats like bacon and beef.
Breads are another area of interest in a low-carb diet. People are often surprised to learn that cutting breads out of their diet entirely is unnecessary. With an assault on carbohydrates in their diets, many people see breads as off limits. Books have even been written discussing how to live without bread.
Breads themselves are not bad, but some can certainly not low in carbohydrates. Many easy, low-carb recipes are availab le that allow you to enjoy sandwiches, burgers, toast or muffins. These recipes use a slightly different list of ingredients, but they yield healthy, tasty breads. Also, breads contain fiber, which is important to include in your diet.
Many recipes targeting a low-carb audience will specify nutritional information for the food, especially carbohydrate, protein and fiber content. This information is provided for a reason: as you probably know, foods low in carbohydrates and high in protein are central to the Atkins and other low-carb diets. Fiber is also a big part of the equation; simply put, you can have more carbs in your diet if they are in the form of fiber. Also, foods high in fiber are generally full of "good carbs," the type of carbohydrates you don't need to eliminate from your diet.
This brings up another good point: you don't need to completely eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. Keeping some carbs in your diet is healthy and does not negatively a ffect your diet. Most low-carb recipes have at least some carbs. Instead of cutting out all carbohydrates, you should focus on minimizing or eliminating "empty carbs," carbohydrates that come from foods with little or no nutritional value. Soft drinks and candy bard have empty carbs; fruits and vegetables, for example, have good carbs.
An important part of a low-carb diet is variety. You're trying to limit carbohydrates, but that doesn't mean you should eat eggs every day and avoid bread like the plague. Abide the guidelines for a healthy, low-carb diet: limit but don't eliminate carbs, get plenty of fiber, make sure your protein-rich meats are not too full of fat.
Again, to easily sustain a healthy, low-carb lifestyle you should eat foods you enjoy. Low-carb foods should not be a burden. The list of diet-friendly choices has enough variety to make even the pickiest eaters happy. You have plenty of delicious, easy, low-carb recipes to choose from.
Reality behind Low Carb Diets & Weight Loss
A question that captures minds of all across the globe is "What is low crab diet is all about", planning to take on low carb diet to turn their lose weight dreams into a reality. What's the real picture when it comes to low carb diets and weight loss? In common man language, low carb diets over the long term just does not add up to weight loss, period. Please don't get me wrong, you can lose weight when you first use low carb diets at first but if you keep going with this diet, your weight loss will stop cold and possibly put yourself in a bad health situation.
So for those who have not heard, by some strange reason, low carb diets in coming lines take you to the journey revealing the concept known as low carb diets, simply, a low crab diet means a diet that comprises of less carbs and more of protein and fat. If you break it down and actually try it, it does work; why does a low carb diet works effectively to attain much awaited weight loss? Because carbs can make you gain weight when you eat it in excess, as carbs can easily and more readily stored as fat in your body. So it makes sense that if you were to avoid it or even just minimize it, your body will turn to the fat stores that are already there as energy. The trick here is the false hope - you're losing weight at first and you'll feel great but if you stick with it, you'll stop losing weight and start losing something else.
The best part about a low carb diet is that it gets you to avoid certain foods that aren't the best for you anyways. Such foods can be anything from junk food to ice cream to so da and sports drinks. The high sugar content and carb content in these are not a wise food choice.
In coming lines take you through the reason why to minimize your use of low carb diets. When you start using such diet, your body gets used to using up those fat stores in your body, which are present in large amount. But once those are gone, because you've stopped eating carbs, there are no more fat stores. Once they are gone and you're not supplying more through your food intake, your body does something that is automatic and natural for it: it goes and uses up your muscle tissue as energy. It is advised to follow a low carb diet to attain weight loss dreams till advised by the doctor and stop following such diet once asked by doctor. Excessive usage of such diets may results in serious body weight and energy loss condition.
It's a universal fact well accepted through the world, effective way to lose weight is to use the low carb diet for about a week and then start making GOOD healthy lifestyle choices from there on out! Incorporate good carbs back into your diet and stay with your diet and bring in exercise! This is the best way to lose weight because it incorporates everything that you'll need to do it with you general health in focus. Exercising is a great way to bring your healthy diet to the top and to lose weight more effectively and with the longest lasting results!
The Alkaline Diet Rains on the Fad Diets' Parade
What in the world is an alkaline diet I hear you say?
It's fast becoming the most popular diet around that is ALSO endorsed by nutritionists and health gurus as being sustainable long term and one of the best things you can do for your overall health and wellbeing.
The 90s were marked by the low-fat diet craze, the last six to seven years have been focused on low-carbohydrate diets like Atkins, the South Beach Diet, Protein Power and Sugarbusters, which are now considered very dubious to say the least. As people become frustrated with each type of diet, they look for something new to try.
The alkaline diet is a hot hot topic - and rightly so. At last a diet that is actually GOOD for you and based on the sense and science of our ancestors before us - eating vegetables, high quality fats, seeds and sprouts.
The alkaline diet is so appealing to people because it is a complete about turn from the high-protein, low carbohydrate diets of the past few year s. The alkaline diet, also called the pH Miracle Diet or the Young Diet, after its creator Robert Young, has a totally different approach to nutrition. Many holistic doctors and nutritionists see it as a more balanced approach to nutrition that takes the body's true needs into account.
Basically, the human body has a pH that is slightly alkaline. The theory is that since the human body runs at this pH, our diet should be comprised of mostly alkaline foods. The standard American diet has many foods that are considered acidic, such as animal protein, sugar, caffeine and packaged foods. These foods upset the acid-alkaline balance of your body and can spark and nurture a plethora of problems, illnesses and diseases.
The proponents of the pH Miracle diet say that all of these acidic foods actually disrupt the body's use of alkaline minerals. These minerals include sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, which make people prone to chronic diseases.
This is the real crux of the importance of the alkaline diet. The nutrition and health community has come to realize that what a person puts into their body has a profound effect on their overall health. Although the mainstream medical community has emphasized a balanced diet including fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy products, the pH diet takes this a step further.
It points out that the acidic foods actually rob your body of essential minerals. Those who follow an alkaline diet and eat alkaline foods are avoiding the acidic foods that can have a very negative effect on one's health and wellbeing.
Many of the foods that we eat commonly are considered no-nos on the pH miracle diet. One of the most surprising omissions is the absence of wheat products. The FDA recommends whole-wheat products for better health. Yet according the pH diet, grains like wheat, millet, oats and rice are acidic and harmful. The alkaline grains of buckwheat, quinoa and spelt are favored for their alkalizing benefits.
The alkaline diet prohibits all dairy and meat products. If you're worried about protein, goat milk is slightly alkaline. There is also protein provided from vegetarian options like beans, tofu and certain nuts and seeds. Most vegetables have alkalizing effects, except for mushrooms. Fruits are limited to coconut, grapefruit, lemon and lime.
The Top 10 Healthy Ways To Lose Weight In 2009: Ditch the Crash Diet & Pricey Exercise Machines
We're almost halfway past the year 2009 – and when you look back at the list of the New Year's resolutions which you made last January – how many items have you already crossed out?
It's as good a bet as any that the resolution of losing weight, exercising more or living a healthier life is part of the list that you made. How are you doing so far?
If you haven't made any progress in this department yet, don't lose hope because it's never too late. You still have a few more months to go for you to reach your weight loss and fitness goals.
Why It Pays to Stick to a Healthy Weight Loss Routine?
Before enumerating the many ways that you can lose weight the healthy way, let us first take a look at why this feat is important in the first place.
You may have noticed how some overweight individuals who have succumbed to leading a sedentary lifestyle have problem with losing the excess pounds and keeping them off for good.
What they do is subscribe to the latest fad diet, rigorously start an exercise routine which they are unable to keep up in the long run, or they purchase an expensive exercise machine which will just gather dust in its storage space for lack of use.
So, basically the problem lies in not having enough motivation to finish the weight loss program that you started.
Remember that when you choose to start wi th a diet plan, it should not be one of those crash diets which merely allow you to lose all the water weight that you have and even lose muscles later on.
Instead, you should go for a type of diet that will teach you how to lead a healthier lifestyle in terms of your food consumption, as well as your exercise and fitness routine.
By doing so, you will not just lose all the unwanted pounds that you gained over the years, you will also have a leaner body, stay away from the medical conditions associated with being overweight, and have a healthier lifestyle overall.
The Top 10 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight
Now that you already have an idea about the reasons why it pays to stick to a healthy weight loss routine, how can this be done? Take a look at the top 10 list of the healthy ways to lose weight:
1. Plan your meals in adv ance
You can probably create a weekly, bi-weekly or even a monthly menu of the meals that you are going to have.
When you plan your meals in advance, you can really think about which food items are good for your health and will not put a dent in your dieting plan.
Aside from being contributing to the fact that you will reach your weight loss goals much quicker, planning your meals in advance is also a more cost-effective way of creating a budget for your food expenses in the household.
2. Add more 'real foods' to your grocery cart rather than stocking up on processed food items
This is something that a lot of people are guilty of. Did you know that most of t he common ailments and diseases that people experience on a daily basis come from consuming too much processed foods?
As much as possible, you should fill up your grocery cart with items from the fresh produce section.
Choose organic fruits and veggies and whole grains. When planning your meals, include a lot of natural instead of processed ingredients and you'll be on your way towards losing weight the healthy way.
3. Eat smaller meals, more frequently throughout the day
Let's say that you are trying to lose 20 pounds and you aim to reach that goal by always skipping on breakfast. This is not a good idea at all because when you don't eat the most important meal of the day, you will end up overeating during lunch or dinner.
It's a much better option to eat smaller meals, more frequently throughout the day.
As far as reaching you r weight loss goals is concerned, this is a great practice because you will only be consuming the calories that your body can burn – and you will not have the tendency to gain more weight as compared to going on an eating binge during lunch or dinner.
4. Slowly savor your food and stop eating once you feel that you're about to get full
This technique works best for those who have a nasty habit of skipping breakfast and eating a lot during lunch or dinner. Slowly chew your food and savor its taste. Stop when you know that you are about to get full.
When you devour your lunch within a span of five to ten minutes, there would really be a huge possibility of your overeating because it takes a while before the food settles in your stomach.
5. Prepare healthy snacks for yourself when you need to be on-the-go
This advice is especially helpfu l for all the working moms out there. When you are juggling your time between your work, taking care of the kids and attending to your social life – it is quite difficult to find the time to actually work out.
As such, it pays if you will just keep a close watch on your diet. Always apply the rule of eating smaller meals, more frequently throughout the day so that you can keep your energy up.
For the times that you will not be able to prepare a healthy meal for yourself, always keep snacks handy – and chocolate bars do not fall under this category.
Instead, you should stock up on cereals stored in ziplock bags; string cheese; a piece of fruit; a small bag of dried fruits; healthy snack bars or granola bars; a bag of soy crisps and a serving of yogurt.
Whenever hunger strikes, you can take out one of these healthy snack items from your bag to get through until it's time for your next light meal.
6 . Maintain a dietary journal
Just like planning your meals in advance, keeping a dietary journal will allow you to keep track of your calorie consumption.
Once you look back at what you have eaten for the past week or so, you will see which items you should cut back on and eat more of – and apply it for your diet plan for the following week.
7. Remember that fast food does not belong in the 'healthy foods' category
Fast food consumption is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to the reasons why a lot of Americans become overweight.
If you do have to eat out, choose to have a serving of salad and a turkey sandwich – and skip on upgrading to large servings.
8. Drink plenty of water
Whether you have a diet-focused weight loss plan, an exercise-focused weight loss plan or if it's a combination of both, don't forget to keep yourself hydrated during the process.
9. Set realistic weight loss goals for yourself
Perhaps the number one mistake that dieters make is setting unrealistic goals for themselves. If you are on a quest to shed off those excess pounds for good, start with a smaller goal.
Let's say that your aim is to lose 50 pounds so that you can reach your ideal body weight. Work on losing the first 10 pounds during the first few weeks of your diet rather than having a goal of losing the entire 50 pounds within an unrealistic time frame.
You will feel a sense of accomplishment once you have managed to lose the first 10 pounds that you will be inspired enough to work on shedding the next four 10-pounds off of your frame.
10. Be always on the move
Finally, the golden rule of "No pain, no gain" still applies i f you would like to lose weight the healthy way.
After following the aforementioned tips when it comes to losing weight through your diet, all your efforts should be combined with some good old physical exertion.
And you don't even have to pay for an expensive gym membership, either. Just make sure that you are always on the move. Don't drive when you can walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator, find the time to jog in the morning, take up a sport or tire yourself by playing with the kids in the park.
By following these healthy ways to lose weight, you will be able to reach your fitness and weight loss goals right before the year 2009 ends.
The Top 10 Healthy Ways To Lose Weight In 2009: Ditch the Crash Diet & Pricey Exercise Machines
We're almost halfway past the year 2009 – and when you look back at the list of the New Year's resolutions which you made last January – how many items have you already crossed out?
It's as good a bet as any that the resolution of losing weight, exercising more or living a healthier life is part of the list that you made. How are you doing so far?
If you haven't made any progress in this department yet, don't lose hope because it's never too late. You still have a few more months to go for you to reach your weight loss and fitness goals.
Why It Pays to Stick to a Healthy Weight Loss Routine?
Before enumerating the many ways that you can lose weight the healthy way, let us first take a look at why this feat is important in the first place.
You may have noticed how some overweight individuals who have succumbed to leading a sedentary lifestyle have problem with losing the excess pounds an d keeping them off for good.
What they do is subscribe to the latest fad diet, rigorously start an exercise routine which they are unable to keep up in the long run, or they purchase an expensive exercise machine which will just gather dust in its storage space for lack of use.
So, basically the problem lies in not having enough motivation to finish the weight loss program that you started.
Remember that when you choose to start with a diet plan, it should not be one of those crash diets which merely allow you to lose all the water weight that you have and even lose muscles later on.
Instead, you should go for a type of diet that will teach you how to lead a healthier lifestyle in terms of your food consumption, as well as your exercise and fitness routine.
By doing so, you will not just lose all the unwanted pounds that you gained over the years, you will also have a leaner body, stay away from the medical conditions associated with being overweight, and have a healthier lifestyle overall.
The Top 10 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight
Now that you already have an idea about the reasons why it pays to stick to a healthy weight loss routine, how can this be done? Take a look at the top 10 list of the healthy ways to lose weight:
1. Plan your meals in advance
You can probably create a weekly, bi-weekly or even a monthly menu of the meals that you are going to have.
When you plan your meals in advance, you can really think about which food items are good for your health and will not put a dent in your dieting plan.
Aside from being contributing to t he fact that you will reach your weight loss goals much quicker, planning your meals in advance is also a more cost-effective way of creating a budget for your food expenses in the household.
2. Add more 'real foods' to your grocery cart rather than stocking up on processed food items
This is something that a lot of people are guilty of. Did you know that most of the common ailments and diseases that people experience on a daily basis come from consuming too much processed foods?
As much as possible, you should fill up your grocery cart with items from the fresh produce section.
Choose organic fruits and veggies and whole grains. When planning your meals, include a lot of natural instead of processed ingredients and you'll be on your way towards losing weight the healthy way.
3. Eat smaller meals, more frequently throughout the day
Let's say that you are trying to lose 20 pounds and you aim to reach that goal by always skipping on breakfast. This is not a good idea at all because when you don't eat the most important meal of the day, you will end up overeating during lunch or dinner.
It's a much better option to eat smaller meals, more frequently throughout the day.
As far as reaching your weight loss goals is concerned, this is a great practice because you will only be consuming the calories that your body can burn – and you will not have the tendency to gain more weight as compared to going on an eating binge during lunch or dinner.
4. Slowly savor your food and stop eating once you feel that you're about to get full
This technique works best for those who have a nasty habit of skipping breakfast and eating a lot during lunch or dinner. Slowly chew your food and savor its taste. Stop when you know that you are about to get full.
When you devour your lunch within a span of five to ten minutes, there would really be a huge possibility of your overeating because it takes a while before the food settles in your stomach.
5. Prepare healthy snacks for yourself when you need to be on-the-go
This advice is especially helpful for all the working moms out there. When you are juggling your time between your work, taking care of the kids and attending to your social life – it is quite difficult to find the time to actually work out.
As such, it pays if you will just keep a close watch on your diet. Always apply the rule of eating smaller meals, more frequently throughout the day so that you can keep your energy up.
For the times that you will not be able to prepare a healthy meal for yourself, always keep snacks handy – and chocolate bars do not fall under this category.
Instead, you should stock up on cereals stored in ziplock bags; string cheese; a piece of fruit; a small bag of dried fruits; healthy snack bars or granola bars; a bag of soy crisps and a serving of yogurt.
Whenever hunger strikes, you can take out one of these healthy snack items from your bag to get through until it's time for your next light meal.
6. Maintain a dietary journal
Just like planning your meals in advance, keeping a dietary journal will allow you to keep track of your calorie consumption.
Once you look back at what you have eaten for the past week or so, you will see which items you should cut back on and eat more of – and apply it for your diet plan for the following week.
7. Remember that fast food does not belong in the 'healthy foods' category
Fast food consumption is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to the reasons why a lot of Americans become overweight.
If you do have to eat out, choose to have a serving of salad and a turkey sandwich – and skip on upgrading to large servings.
8. Drink plenty of water
Whether you have a diet-focused weight loss plan, an exercise-focused weight loss plan or if it's a combination of both, don't forget to keep yourself hydrated during the process.
9. Set realistic weight loss goals for yourself
Perhaps the number one mistake that dieters make is setting unrealistic goals for themselves. If you are on a quest to shed off those excess pounds for good, start with a smaller goal.
Let's say that your aim is to lose 50 pounds so that you can reach your ideal body weight. Work on losing the first 10 pounds during the first few weeks of your diet rather than having a goal of losing the entire 50 pounds within an unrealistic time frame.
You will feel a sense of accomplishment once you have managed to lose the first 10 pounds that you will be inspired enough to work on shedding the next four 10-pounds off of your frame.
10. Be always on the move
Finally, the golden rule of "No pain, no gain" still applies if you would like to lose weight the healthy way.
After following the aforementioned tips when it comes to losing weight through your diet, all your efforts should be combined with some good old physical exertion.
And you don't even have to pay for an expensive gym membership, either. Just make sure that you are always on the move. Don't drive when you can walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator, find the time to jog in the morning, take up a sport or tire yourself by playing with the kids in the park.
By following these healthy ways to lose weight, you will be able to reach your fitness and weight loss goals right before the year 2009 ends.
Low Carb Diets - Full Review
The Paleolithic diet is based on eating only what earl, primitive man would have had the opportunity to eat. There are a couple of books out there but the basic diet is the same.
Assuming that early man ate only what he could gather from the wild the diet is very restricted, allowing only about one fourth of what Americans typically eat. Organic foods are stressed as early man would not have had the chemicals in his food.
The allowable foods are:
Honey in very restricted amounts
Not allowed: dairy, or starches (corn, wheat, rice) are not allowable. Legumes (dried beans and peas) are not allowable. Certainly no processed foods, sugar or artificial sweeten ers are allowable. If a human could catch it or pick it from a plant and eat it without processing it is o.k. for you to eat.
You only eat when you are hungry, and while you don't count calories the proponents stress that calories do count. Weight loss is rapid the first week or two, as on any low carb regime, and then slows to a more normal rate.
Sugar cravings and carb cravings may happen but lessen in a few days if you don't give in to them.
This is a lifestyle, not a short term weight loss diet. You lose weight because your body does not have the insulin spikes that it has when you are eating processed foods. You are allowed more variety of vegetables and fruit from the very start on this diet, which is easier for some people, although over all this is one of the most restricted diets there is.
Typical Breakfast Menu
Pork chop or chicken breast
whole, raw carrots
Paleo Diet Support and Information
- Paleo (Neanderthin) introduction
An excellent introduction to the Paleo diet with the philosophy, food lists, and an excellent comparison of the Paleo diet with other diets such as Atkins, Protein Power, and low fat. There is a question and answer section which seeks to answer most - Paleolithic Eating Support Recipe Archives
Literally hundreds of recipes that support the Paleo diet and way of life. Numerous ways to cook your foods, how to make nut milks, and many other ideas for eating well on this plan. - Caveman Forum
A chat board of people on and interested in the Paleo diet. Support is important to the success of any diet plan an this chatboard has information about everything from recipes to exercise. This would be an excel lent first resource.
The Protein Power Diet
The protein power diet was created by the Eades. It is very similar to the paleo diet but the protein levels are based on figuring out the amount of protein you need for your height and weight as well as your activity level.
You are allowed 20-40 grams of carbohydrates per day even in the early stages of the diet. Fats are unlimited. Calories are not counted. Like Atkins there are three phases of the diet with the earliest phase being the most intense.
Allowable foods:
Proteins-all meats, poultry, and fish. Eggs, cheese, dairy products. With the dairy products you are getting some carbs so you must keep track of them.
Vegetables- all vegetables except starchy ones like potatoes.
Nuts and seeds
Foods Not Allowed :
legumes, grains, starchy vegetables like potatoes and some squashes, and anything with a high sugar con tent like sweet sauces, syrups, candy, ice cream, high-sugar fruits like pineapples and mangoes.
Typical Breakfast Menu
1/2 grapefruit
2 eggs
3 sausages
small coffee w/ whipped cream
More Information on Protein Power
- Protein Power
The Eades' official website contains information, links to medical journals, a chatboard, blogs and products to enhance the Protein Power diet that you can buy on site. - Protein Shake Recipes
Whey protein shake recipes that help to add variety to the high protein diets. Frozen Chocolate Banana, Peanut Butter Chocolate, Tangerine Cream, and other recipes make a great meal replacement item or a snack. - Web MD
A discussion of the Eades' Protein Power Diet on WebMD which takes into account the latest medical and scientific inf ormation on protein and nutrition. Discusses how the diet works from a medical standpoint. Excellent site.
The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet
Dr.s Richard and Rachael Heller came up with the Carb Addict's Diet based on the theory that overweight people might be addicted to carbohydrates and unable to stop eating once they started, much like an alcoholic.
They do not believe that all carbs are bad or that they should be totally eliminated from the diet but believe that by eating tow low carb meals and one meal in which you can have whatever you like the carb cravings will be controlled and you will be free to eat in a healthy way.
The advantages are, of course, that you don't have to give up your favorite foods at all, only limit them to one hour a day.
Typical Breakfast Menu
western omelet
coffee or tea
Remember though, you get one meal a day where you can eat whatever.
More H elp For Carbohydrate Addict's Diet
- The Carbohydrate Addict's Official Home Page
This is the official site of Dr.s Richard and Rachael Heller, creators of the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet. Here you will find books, information, explanations and even a quiz to help you figure out if you are a true carb addict. - Low Carb Recipe | Free Collection
Information about losing weight on the low carb diet as well as numerous recipes and suggestions for staying the course on your diet. Cooking tips, forums for support and more are included. This is an excellent resource for any low carb diet plan. - Download Carbohydrate Addicts Diet Shareware Freeware Software at Super Shareware
Here is a helpful site! Download freeware and shareware to help with details of the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet plan. Downloads like calorie and nutrition counters, as well as other files will keep you on track.
The South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet was created by yet another cardiologist, Dr.Arthur Agatston. It is similar to Atkins in that it is done in three phases, with the first phase being the most strict.
Agatston promised that dieters can expect to lose between eight and twelve pounds in the first two weeks of the diet, the strict phase.
Phase one limits fats as well as carbs. Because soy substitutes are allowable vegetarians and vegans can use this diet easily.
Another benefit to the South Beach Diet is that it is so popular that you can buy frozen prepared meals and foods specifically for the South Beach Diet Program at the local grocer.
Allowable Foods:
Read full article at:
A Simple Low Carb Diet Plan
At last estimate as many as 30 million Americans are following a low carb diet. Advocates contend that the high amount of carbs in our diets has led to the increase in such health problems as obesity and diabetes.
Some diets restrict carbohydrates to a point where the body becomes ketogenic. Ketosis is a physiological condition in response to chronic starvation and causes most of the body to utilize fatty acids as an alternative source of energy.
Most of us don't need to reach such an extreme. Most of us just need to follow a few simple rules.
And most often these rules won't mean total abstinence from the foods you love. Just a small deviation from your normal dietary routine. Better choices when it comes to which breads you choose and which snacks you choose too.
It's not totally off limits to snack, just know that what most people consider snack food's definitely out of the question.
With that in mind here's a few ideas as to what sho uld and shouldn't be included in your low carb diet plan.
Cut out the processed fats including hydrogenated fats, polyunsaturated oils that have been heated, and fats that are combined with junk carbs. Processed fats are the culprits that put on flab and clog your arteries.
Cut the simple carbs like sugar, fructose, bleached flour, cornstarch and fruit juice. Stick with the whole fruit instead, with its fiber intact.
What you want to include are natural proteins, vegetables and whole fruits along with complex carbs such as whole grain breads.
Simple carbs are converted into fat which is stored by the body. This is exactly the problem that causes weight gain. Your body stores the fat for use later, when it thinks you are starving.
Complex carbs, on the other hand, are used for energy. These are good carbs. Yes, there are good carbs too.
This gives you a well balanced low carb diet that doesn't completely rob you of energy produci ng carbs. Also by eating high fiber whole grains you'll keep your insides clean and healthy and you'll be more regular.
Personally, I like to snack on cheese and pepperoni slices. You get a good amount of protein and fat and virtually no carbs.
Drink plenty of water, excercise regularly and make a low carb diet a part of an overall lifestyle and you'll surely lose weight, look better and improve your overall health.