Years of eating fast food, smoking cigarettes, taking prescription drugs, and drinking alcohol can eventually take a toll on your body, especially your colon. Even if you do not usually feel that there is something wrong with your colon, it is no reason for you to think that it is okay.
The signs that should tell you that there is something wrong with your colon is not only limited to constipation, gas pains, and diarrhea. Other symptoms include chronic fatigue, low libido, anxiety, depression, acne, back pains, weight problems, and high blood pressure.
The colon is the passage way of the excesses of the food that we ingest. That is why, the colon contains a large mass of healthy bacteria for it to break down the food and contain the toxins within. However, if the toxins are too much, some of the good bacteria in the colon, such as the gut flora candida, may abnormally grow and can prove to be hazardous. That is why it is very important for an in dividual to cleanse his colon.
Moreover, unhealthy food intake and diet is very harmful and damaging. Processed foods and foods high in fat and sugar are extremely unhealthy for the colon. These foods tend to release mucus when digested, which then makes it difficult for the colon to move the wastes for elimination. And with the sluggish movement of the wastes, fragments of tend to stick on the colon walls and eventually harden.
In the long run, the accumulated wastes continually narrow the waste passage which will make the process of elimination more difficult. And on top of that, these accumulated wastes can actually weight several pounds, which means that aside from your overall body mass, several unhealthy pounds are added to your total weight.
What is worst is that not only do the accumulated wastes add unwanted weight to your body, these wastes can become the breeding ground for bacteria. Also, the inherent toxins of these wastes can penetrate through the colon walls and attack other organs and glands.
Colon hydrotherapy is a naturopathic cleansing treatment that is regaining its popularity as a preventive measure for various diseases and as a maintenance treatment for recovering patients. Generally the procedure involves the gradual pumping of sterilized water in and out the entire length of the colon through the rectum. Many people have attested to the efficacy of the treatment, yet many are still hesitant due to the somewhat invasive process.
So, if you want to have your colon cleansed but have not yet decided whether to have a colonic irrigation treatment or not, you can go on juice fast or start a good cleansing diet instead.
A good cleansing juice recipe for the stomach include the following ingredients: 1 bunch of grapes, 1 basket of strawberries, 3 apples, 4 sprigs of fresh mint, and water. Moreover, foods rich in fiber and alkaline minerals such as po tassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium help neutralize the toxic acids that harm the body.
Thus, it is good to always include vegetable in your diet such as carrot, celery, zucchini, and beet for their fiber and mineral contents. In fact various people follow certain diet that proved to be appropriate for them. These detoxification diets include the South beach, Atkins, and cabbage diet.
However, before actually going through any detoxification treatments, it is important that you seek professional advice. People with certain medical procedures are not advised to have colonic or other detoxification treatments, including fasting.