Ketosis Weight Loss and the Atkins Diet - Get the Thinner You

The term ketosis and referencing it to weight loss is a term not many people understand or have even heard of. Ketosis is the process that helps burn your stored fat.

The entire principle of a diet is to reduce the calorie intake during eating. This does help in weight loss, but many people seem to forget is that as you lose weight it may not all be from your fat, it could be your muscle tissues degrading also and that's were the bulk of your weight lies as muscle is heavier than fat. Now as you start to drop all this weight from your fat as well as your muscle, your metabolism starts to slow right down. This is the underlying and most frustrating reason that weight is extremely easy to put on and difficult to lose.

The Atkins diet actually uses the process of ketosis to aid in weight loss as ketosis helps to burn only the fat and not the muscle, thus keeping the fat burning whilst retaining a high metabolic rate.

Ketones are produced from your liver as energy which was previously fat. It is a natural source of energy for the body and is very important. This is why you hear people saying that you shouldn't you out all fat in your diet as the body depends on it. Because without this the body will degrade all tissues and not just fat, and as soon as you start to eat again, all the fat will be absorbed and there will be too much for the liver to convert, leaving in hanging on your stomach or your so called love handles.

The Atkins diet simply cuts the amounts of glucose within your blood stream. a lot of people think that the Atkins diet is a very dangerous form of dieting when in reality in a naturally appreciated process from by your body. The problem with the diet is that people start to see effects, then get addicted and don't know when to stop simultaneously leading them to anorexia.

There are methods to test the level of ketones in your body, simply go to a pharmacy and they will provide you with them. Using these ketone strips, you will find weather your are handling this diet the correct way and weather you need to stop or you can continue.

The strips provide useful information such as the level of ketones in your body, weather you are dehydrated or not. Sometimes though just having a meal which is quite fatty can result in an unwanted colour but don't worry.

If you succeed in getting the right ketosis level, you have simultaneously succeeded at Atkins. Use the test strips as necessary, do everything the right way and you will cut carbs from your diet in a healthy way.

Just make sure you do it the right way and don't fall into the trap of doing it the wrong way. For more information feel free to visit my site below.

Ketosis weight loss is a serious matter and if you want to do it right you should visit for help and aid.